
I believe in living life to its fullest, come what may. Sorrows, sadness, obstacles, and many more difficulties are just another name for 'life'. Life, a strange combination of both the good and the bad, is a journey of self-discovery and an experience of emotional highs and lows. -----------------------------------Remember: Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks you heart, forgive them. For they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart to. -----------------------------------Some Favorite Quotes: Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead. That is where your future lies. The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it. All stories teach us something, and promise us something, whether they're true or invented, legend or fact. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Anyone who thinks sunshine is happiness has never danced in the rain. Practice can make perfect, but it's PASSION that persuades. The soul that can speak through the eyes can also kiss with a gaze. Final Note: I have never really planned things in life because life is not planned. You never know what's in store for you or what's coming your way, so take life as it comes... Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. :)

Reading a Good Book, Internet Surfing Obama's Wars, Raja Gidh, History of Islam, Nothing Lasts Forev
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