Moterbike trip turns into military mission


Senator (1k+ posts)
Moterbike trip turns into military mission
Upon stumbling over a motorbikes as hobby or means of transport to leading into discussion among friends. I thought to write an article, when I was astonished to learn some of the facts that are so openly printed in texts form in magazines to available access to public at the libraries.

In many parts of the wealthy nations motor bikes are used as a second means of transport is a form of a favorite hobby.
But in third world these vehicles apart from public transport ate the only means to get for most of us. Now to convert a hobby into some type of overseas focused mission and mix / matching tasks to processes in order to disguise something else is another issue.

After discussions with friends, I begin reading the article from a motorbike lover enthusiast hobbiest to further learning of disturbing facts which I did not want to know or find out but I had to write an article about it finally.

That said I'm going to give a very neutral point of view from analyzing an extremist views, what I am going to talk about of some facts in the article below briefly.

As browsing through the pages I was looking for accessories for my motorbike nothing more nothing less. Yet I found very disturbing facts and stories one after the other.

In this article what I saw was it is about the hobbyist from United States going over to country India & trying to build military specific relations. Also specific vital important strategic routes as for think tanks to mi6 influencing in northern Kashmir a hotspot area.

The point is India is a very large country & any overseas international citizen can go anywhere else within India but why go to Kashmir or Himalayas? Exactly, it is already a trouble spot for over 70+ years and to make it expose in the media which is another point extreme hardcore view.
The way the story sounds is like as the hobby enthusiast loses interests in the hobby yet finds an alternative career path who went over for a motorcycle vacation but didn't find anything interesting and turned it into a fraternal military focused mission.

And to top it all of they are wearing the top of their t shirts as the favorite color orange which is depicted as a color of orange symbolism fault icons as in the movie Transformers 4 depicting "incest" with the country India and as " having no dignity" to allowing them to wear such colors.
As Hindus falsified on Hindu mythology speaking on behalf
from India living in the West to get nowhere with social circles to dysfunctional as per fact.

Now for the articles author writing his experience known by his name as Royal Enfield, whose own slogan is " Made like a gun (as for the motorbike), runs like a bullet a most suitable vehicle for the journey.
Now if this military lover turned hobbyist or vice versa mission took an calculated approach, things would look better for country India & motorbikes lovers in neutral point of view !
The government of Pakistan need to build accepted touristic journey to moterbike lovers routes to supersede Indian moterbike routes in the Himalayas! Simply! Heck I wanted to just simply find accessories for moterbikes from a motorcycles magazine, what crap to **** stumbled on!
The official position of Indian government military is unable to defeat Pakistan but dire consequences for creating Bangladesh. Yet it only goes to show where the ghost attacks will arise from inside India to infiltrate Pakistan heavily / light fortified border from Kashmir which is a flash point! And it is a topic for another day.

Source : Moterbike magazine
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MPA (400+ posts)
Its about systematic division from 1971 onwards until the total failures of 1947 are in conflict with each other throats.


MPA (400+ posts)
The United States was friendly nation are Ronald Reagan years & every Pakistani abroad in all University except Khanada were given podium standing ovations at political speeches! Now we see Hindu student ghaand chusserai hai Americans but after repeated promises to win war on terror they failed horrifically to their normal approach in anything - that's why bhaniyia can't can't be trusted in fighting they can't live up to promises. In the article post it very clear a secret attack from banned weapons of mass destruction to cheating death armor will the only option to fight a stronger opponent where Muslim always fight single handedly a win unlike cowards as what Hindus ONLY capable of.