Sahabi Grave (Miracle of Islam)


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)

Miracle of Islam: Excavation of the Graves of true Companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Though in normal cases and circumstances the dead bodies in the grave decompose and disintegrate yet there are proofs where the dead bodies of martyrs, prophets and saints have been found intact when their graves were dug.

In 1932 A.D. (1351 A.H.) the then ruling King of Iraq Shah Faisal I, dreamt that he was being addressed by Hazrat Hudhaifa al-Yamani (ra), who said:

"O King! Remove Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari and me from the bank of river Tigris and bury us at some safe place because my grave is already water-logged, (full of water) while Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari's grave is slowly getting water-logged."

This dream was repeated again the next night but King Faisal I, did not pay attention to it on account of his pre-occupation with state affairs. On the third night Hazrat Hudhaifa al-Yamani (ra) was seen in the dream by the grand Mufti of Iraq. Hazrat Hudhaifa al-Yamani (ra) said to the grand Mufti: "I have been directing the king since two nights to transfer our Bodies but he has not paid any heed. Tell him emphatically to arrange for the transfer of our graves!"

So after discussing this matter, the King, his Prime Minister and the Grand Mufti decided to carry out this work. It was decided that the Grand Mufti should issue a fatwa (religious ruling) on this matter and the Prime Minister will issue statement to the press, so that the public may know about this great event. It was declared that on 10th Zulhijjah after noon prayers the graves shall be opened and the holy bodies shall be transferred to another place.

As it was Hajj season, pilgrims had gathered in Makkah. They requested King Faisal I, to postpone the event for a few days so that they all could attend the event after performing the Hajj. Hence, the King postponed this event to 20th Zulhijjah.

After noon prayers, on 20th Zulhijjah 1351 A.H. a large number of Muslims and non-Muslims gathered in Baghdad, and the city was heavily crowded. First when the grave of Hazrat Hudhaifa al-Yamani (ra) was opened water was fond inside. The body was lifted with a crane in such a way that it safely came on a stretcher. Then the stretcher was lifted by the King, the Grand Mufti, the Prime Minister and Prince Farooq of Egypt and brought to a glass coffin box made especially to keep the holy bodies. The body of Hazrat Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari (ra) was also transferred to the glass box in the same scrupulous manner.

The most marvelous spectacle was now seen by the huge crowd that had gathered to witness this great event. Both the holy bodies of these true companions (Sahabah) of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) were fresh and intact while their open eyes issued forth such divine light that the spectator's eyes were dazzled. Furthermore, their coffin, clothes were also intact and at first glance, it appeared as if these heroes of Islam were alive. The two bodies were then taken away and buried afresh near the grave of another great hero of Islam, Hazrat Salman-e-Farsi (ra), in Salman Park which is 30 miles from Baghdad. This miracle amazed the scientists, philosophers and doctors. They were all bewildered and spellbound to witness this great miracle.

A German physiologist who had been showing a lot of interest in this was so impressed by the conditions of the bodies, which were buried for more than a thousand years, that he immediately came to the Grand Mufti, held up his hands and said, "What more evidence can there be in support of Islam. I embrace Islam so teach me about it!" Thus before thousands of people this German doctor became a Muslim. His example was followed by many Christians and Jews and for a long time it continued in Baghdad and a large number of people became Muslims as a result of this miracle.

Now let us all sit-back and think over this event and derive a lesson from this miracle. Pondering over such events is potent food for the mind and serves as an eye-opener to humanity. Some of the material above was published in a Pakistani newspaper, "Daily Jung" on 7th June 1970.


Senator (1k+ posts)
I had been looking for the copy of the film for soooo long but coundnt find it anywehre


Senator (1k+ posts)


Minister (2k+ posts)
I heard the similar story from my father, he was stationed in LIBYA during 1972, where similar incident took place.
The new thing was that it was grave of sahaba, but no one knew their names..
ALLAH knows best.. We dont need video to accept or believe it.. Even we have a similar story about Shaheed of Pak Army during 65 ot 71 war. (forgetting his name, there was a program telling that when he was taken out from his temporary grave, he had a long beard, hairs were wet, still bleeding etc etc..)
Jaza-k-ALLAH for sharing.


Minister (2k+ posts)
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: مزید تحقیق کی ضرورت ہے۔

bhai saath sath is waqae ki bhi tehqiq ker lain .



MPA (400+ posts)
Re: مزید تحقیق کی ضرورت ہے۔

here is detail and i also search it since i heard and found some picts.
one problem how can i attach file and picts kindly let me know


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: مزید تحقیق کی ضرورت ہے۔

i have detail and some pict. but i dont know how to attach it here kindly let me know about it.
its rply against of Sahaba karam thread.​

such bolo

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: مزید تحقیق کی ضرورت ہے۔

یہ واقعہ قطعا جھوٹ اور سفید جھوٹ ہے
لوگوں کو جھوٹی احادیث سنانے والے جھوٹے واقعات سے کہاں باز آئینگے

میں نے الحمدللہ اس موضوع پر آج سے کچھ ١٠ سال پہلے ایک بھائی کو جواب لکھا تھا
اس واقعہ کی تفصیلات امت اخبار میں ایک مضمون میں چھپی تھیں
اور اس میں کئی جھوٹ تھے
Last edited:

Ali raza babar

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: مزید تحقیق کی ضرورت ہے۔

یہ واقعہ قطعا جھوٹ اور سفید جھوٹ ہے
لوگوں کو جھوٹی احادیث سنانے والے جھوٹے واقعات سے کہاں باز آئینگے

میں نے الحمدللہ اس موضوع پر آج سے کچھ ١٠ سال پہلے ایک بھائی کو جواب لکھا تھا
اس واقعہ کی تفصیلات امت اخبار میں ایک مضمون میں چھپی تھیں
اور اس میں کئی جھوٹ تھے

What if somebody has seen it personally and he Can relate to you

such bolo

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: مزید تحقیق کی ضرورت ہے۔

What if somebody has seen it personally and he Can relate to you

اس واقعہ کی اہمیت کے پیش نظر اس واقعہ کا کسی کتاب میں مذکور نا ہونا ہی اسکے جھوٹے ہونے کیلئے کافی ہے
١٩٣٢ کوئی بہت پرانی بات نہیں..علما بھی تھے اور اخبارات و رسائل بھی
اس دور کے علما کا اپنی کتابوں میں اسکا ذکر نا کرنا نا ممکن ہے اگر یہ واقعہ سچ ہے

باقی اور بہت سی باتیں ہیں جو انشاءللہ ضرورت پڑھنے پر پوسٹ کردونگا


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: مزید تحقیق کی ضرورت ہے۔


بہت شکریہ دوست ورنہ آل سعود کے غلام تو یہ برداشت نہیں کر سکتے کہ صحابۂ کے اجسام صحیح حالت میں ہیں ورنہ وہ اپنا باطل عقیدہ کیسے ثابت کر پایں گے کہ معاذ الله محمّد صل اللھ علیہ وسلّم کا جسد مبارک (آگے لکھنے کی طاقت نہیں). اور مضحکہ خیز دلیل ملاحظه فرمائیے کہ کتاب میں کسی بھی بات کا لکّھا ہونا اسکی حققانیّت کا ثبوت ہے. سلمان رشدی کی کتاب پر بھی شاید ایسی ہی دلیل کا اطلاق کرنا چاہیںگے یا اس پر یہ کہیں کہ عالم کی بات کی تھی تو ڈارون بھی اپنے وقت کا کمال عالم تھا اپنے علم کا تو اسکی خرافات بھی کیا سچ ہیں؟