Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Tweets::IK is on his way to a political suicide by surrendering all his initia


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
  • Zaid Hamid ‏@ZaidZamanHamid 52s
    Govt is spending billions to buy off media houses, anchors, lawyers & even advisers from within IK & TUQ group. PTI/PAT have little time now
    Zaid Hamid ‏@ZaidZamanHamid 2m
    There should be only 1 demand from TUQ & IK -- Neutral Caretaker govt NOW !! Whatever it takes to do it, must be done -- even asking army!
[URL=""]Zaid Hamid @ZaidZamanHamid [/URL] 54s Govt is also trying to bait TUQ with the same 1 month suspension trick !! If TUQ falls for it, govt would also offer the same to PTI as trap

Zaid Hamid @ZaidZamanHamid 2m
IK is being misled by some of his top advisers. Now it is up to the PTI ground troops to rescue their leader from betrayal & pol suicide.

  • Zaid Hamid ‏@ZaidZamanHamid 3m
    Govt has already conveyed to the army that they have got the situation under control & would find a pol solution to this deadlock. #PTI

  • Zaid Hamid ‏@ZaidZamanHamid 5m
    There is NO way IK & TUQ can get justice except under a neutral caretaker govt. Anything else offered by NS is a bloody trap & drama only.

Zaid Hamid @ZaidZamanHamid
15m IK is on his way to a political suicide by surrendering all his initial legit demands of resignation, caretakers, reforms & re-elections !
Zaid Hamid @ZaidZamanHamid 1m

The govt is seriously debating to accept the 1 month suspension deal. IK still has little time to reject it & return to original demands !
Zaid Hamid @ZaidZamanHamid 14m

If he falls in the trap of 1 month suspended Nawaz, judicial commission & return of the status quo, then he will face rebellion within PTI.
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Yeh sazishi sadma se marr jaye ga agar Pakistan mein political settlement ho gai , is ke sath he Chaudhry Brothers aur Sheikh Sheeda ke liye bhi yeh na qabal e bardasht ho ga

Kashif Rafiq

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

کچھ نہیں ہوگا۔ عمران خان کا سیاسی کیرئیر نہیں ختم ہوگا ۔ ایسی باتیں کرتے عمران خان کو مس لیڈ کیا جارہا ہے۔


Senator (1k+ posts)
​I am agree with Zahid here, But I hope Imran Khan still win whatever decision he makes. But if he don't then we might look for Qadri.
