Before appointment Raheel was under no one's radar, he was termed as mediocre careerist only known f


Minister (2k+ posts)
Isn't it the same case for everyone else ?
Like Musharraf, Kakar, Karamat, Kiyani etc etc .... they all were mediocre, before they become COAS :D
Btw, Raheel Shareef came up with the most famous military doctrine when he was Inspector General for Training and Evaluation. The one which tells that internal threat to Pakistan is much bigger than external (India).


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Let us give the credit where it is due and lets not be a Shahid Masood or Sabir Shakir. It was prime minister's decision to appoint Raheel Shareef and he performed quite well in his tenure. I guess the mess is so big that no one can clean all in three years or so and that too with so many diverse factors...... So kudos to prime minister and also to General , now let us all hope that the new general is also a clear headed one and does not have any political intentions....


Isn't it the same case for everyone else ?
Like Musharraf, Kakar, Karamat, Kiyani etc etc .... they all were mediocre, before they become COAS :D
Btw, Raheel Shareef came up with the most famous military doctrine when he was Inspector General for Training and Evaluation. The one which tells that internal threat to Pakistan is much bigger than external (India).


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What stupidity !! It means that Raheel became a general being a underperformed !! And then the biggest stupid was Nawaz to appoint him.
Raheel's performance was outstanding and all duffers like you are just trying to malign him.
