Iran launches missile attacks on what it calls militant bases in Pakistan


Minister (2k+ posts)
Another proud moment for our Lumber 1 and their Farmy Chief Munira Mistri

If they were more focused on protecting borders, instead of political engineering for the sake of power, this would never have happened.
There has to be a response otherwise India will be doing the same next.


MPA (400+ posts)
Good thing done by IRAN, because it targeted only those headquarters which were involved in attacking Iranians. Asim munir and his gang should keep doing destruction in Pakistan.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

There has to be a response otherwise India will be doing the same next.
You probably forgot.

PAK Generals and its leaders, with an exception of Imran Khan, allowed US to conduct drone strikes inside Pakistan to kill Pakistani citizens. India now got enough money to buy each and every Generals' soul in GHQ.


Choudhry ji

Senator (1k+ posts)
It does not sound good but if any militant group or agency is involved to attack Iranian soil they have the right to do so ...but both countries should resolve it in peace


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
iran koe peeyaar sae boela hoega aik puthakaa maaroe, for diversion of all never heard injustices inside pakistan,

india as dushmunn drama,

ttp inkae apnae bundae

subh koe chuteeyaa bunaya huwa hae 75 yrs sae thx to Ik for exposing the real dushmunn,

orr shirt purr itnae medals for dramaebazee real estate billions stolen.

harami just so 50 new active bosses do ayeeashee orr accumulate enough steal before they retire,

so unfair, get them accountable whole nation will be a new junnah of earth 100% guarantee but HOW?
zuburdust saree qaum koe chuteeya bunaya 75 yrs sae jee 3rd generation war hae ISI best hae number 1 ttp nae humarae buchoun koe maara, everything all resources used against pakistani citizens,

develop cheap tanks weapons missiles not to use against india no ghuzwae hind or bahduree, baecharae ghureeb low rank sephaee shaheed, for sale when master needs for a country like ukraine ordered by their masters in exchange of favors,

then relax golf, real estate, billions for defence to defend wtfk?? keeya job hae for nobodys with full perks i mean full looting for 50 bosses chiefs,

they have an easy job just sit n relax control pakistan create corrupt political parties, judges, police etc,

then retire in dubai, australia. london, usa all set at the expense of destroying lives of pakistani citizens sadly full budmashi, koiee hae inkoe ruknae walaa?