Because people do not believe in the day of Judgement.
Because people do not believe in the day of Judgement.
Quality Education is the biggest Problem in Pakistan only rich can get good english medium education and there is poor police and poor judicial system.Because people do not believe in the day of Judgement.
This is true, I see every one advising every other person to fear Allah but himself he feels he will get in Jannat because he asked 10000 people to do good. You can call any one who is wanted in some crime you will have to wait and listen to some quranic verse or hadeeth which will be recorder on his phone, and then the same person will tell you some short cuts and act pf cheating some one.
We all have to consider correcting our own selves. Revise , analyse and see if we are on right path.
SOOD (INTEREST), cheat in measuring, mixing in original for profit are one of the biggest sins that are categorically described in Quran and Allah has warned the humankind t obe away from these.
This is very dangerous, for each of us. The world will keep going but we will die one day, are we ready to face ALLAH S.W.T....? ? ?
You are wrong about west, 100% of westerners believe in what goes around that comes around, 90% of them try to participate in welfare of not just human but in the welfare of GOD's creation, and again harming a living soul is considered a sin in west. This is all because they do realize there will be a day of judgement when we will be held accountable. They do not talk or discuss these things verbally as we see among some nations but practically they have them in their minds and they keep doing good and try to remain as far as possible from sin. As per their culture, harming a living creature is the biggest sin.Most people in West dont believe in Judgement day. Most people in Pakistan do believe in judgement day. So I think problem is opposite of what you are saying. Maybe believing in judgement day is making people munafiq.
This is the education that I just said my brother. If you have the education that you will be held accountable you will avoid doing wrong.Quality Education is the biggest Problem in Pakistan only rich can get good english medium education and there is poor police and poor judicial system.
You are wrong about west, 100% of westerners believe in what goes around that comes around, 90% of them try to participate in welfare of not just human but in the welfare of GOD's creation, and again harming a living soul is considered a sin in west. This is all because they do realize there will be a day of judgement when we will be held accountable. They do not talk or discuss these things verbally as we see among some nations but practically they have them in their minds and they keep doing good and try to remain as far as possible from sin. As per their culture, harming a living creature is the biggest sin.
This is the education that I just said my brother. If you have the education that you will be held accountable you will avoid doing wrong.
Education will teach you about the judgement day, accountability, there will be a judgement day, when we all who live on this earth with what ever religious beliefs will be asked on how and what we did and will be rewarded or punished accordingly. Any one with a belief that there will be no judgement day or accountability for his/her actions is not yet educated.So maybe it’s about education and other human factors and has nothing to do with your belief in judgement day.
Education will teach you about the judgement day, accountability, there will be a judgement day, when we all who live on this earth with what ever religious beliefs will be asked on how and what we did and will be rewarded or punished accordingly. Any one with a belief that there will be no judgement day or accountability for his/her actions is not yet educated.
If you have least education you shouldn't deny the might of the mightiest who's judgement day I am talking about. You just saw the trailer of that power, and as for Pakistan, it is an uncrowned super power BELEEE DAT..Education will teach you not to believe in non-sense stories made up by people from thousands years ago and just be a good and decent human being.
When you believe in lies you become a liar and hypocrite yourself. And when whole society believes in a lie you get hypocrite societies like Pakistan.
If you have least education you shouldn't deny the might of the mightiest who's judgement day I am talking about.
Okay, so wait for the evidence. I guarantee you will get it. I just hope you will realize that you asked for it.Maybe if you live in a society like North Korea or Pakistan where there is no freedom to think.
But people with higher IQ are less likely to believe in the bearded man in the sky because intelligent people don’t believe in things without evidence.
Okay, so wait for the evidence.
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