We Don't Deserve NAYA PAKISTAN: keep living like the sewerage worms. wicked won over the sincere


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
i am among those who dont like imran khan or Tahir ul Qadri
but we were with the hope of change in the system and unknowingly were found ourselves supporting the current protests in Islamabad
we were hopeful
we were waiting
we got disjointed
then we were hopeful
and Now this Javed Hashmi
though his tentacles are visible, we know the hands in this glove
still knowing the system i know we lost
evil is going to win for a while and truth will have to settle behind for a while
but i know
one day WE THE PAKISTANIs will emerge like winners on the planet of earth INSHALLAH
but for the time being sorry we are settling back in our shells for some aestivation
the problem is not the gov its the awam when we stop being 2 number ppl thats when the gov will change hamray amal ki shakal ha ye but its the final over now run rate is high and wickets are needed lets see who can handle the pressure and win the azadi match


MPA (400+ posts)
مبارک ہو سب چور ایک بار پھر اکٹھے ہو گیے غلام قوم کی حالت کبھی نہیں بدل سکتی سچائی سے بتاؤ کتنے آدمی رہ گیے ہیں خان کے ساتھ ..

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Well unfortunately I will have to say to the OP that I believe if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. If you just keep quite and let this tyranny continue then you condone it. Its understandable not everybody can put up a fight at the size IK and TUQ have but when they do, the absolute very minimum you can do it support them.

The fight is far from over, defeating this monster that has grown and bred for the last 60 years and wrapped its tentacles tightly around Pakistan will not be slain so easily or go without fighting till the bitter end. But remember the story of Dawood and Jaloot ( David and Goliath ) Inshallah Haq will prevail over batil.
