The price of military weakness for civilizations - Example - Letter from Halaku khan to Sultan of Al


Minister (2k+ posts)
I have added this letter sent from Halaku Khan to Sultan of Aleppo as an example of what military weakness brings to Muslims . Now it is another story how Halaku plan to destroy Mecca and Medina failed which has been described in my other thread concerning Sultan Baibar .


the summons which Hulacu the Tartar conqueror of the East, (who took Bagdad, and entirely subverted the government of the Saracens,) sent to Al Mlek Annsar, sultan of Aleppo, in the year of the Hejra 657, (of Christ 1259.)

Let Al Mlek Annsar know, that we sat down before Bagdad in the 655th year (of the Hejra,) and took it by the sword of the most high God: and we brought the master of it before us, and demanded two things of him; to which he, not answering, brought deserved punishment upon himself.

As it is written in your Koran, "God doth not change the condition of a people, till their own minds are changed." He took care of his wealth, and fate brought him to what he is come to. He chose to exchange precious lives for pieces of money made of vile metal; which is plainly the same that God says They found [the reward of] what they had done present with them.

225 For we have attained by the power of God, what we desired; and by the help of the most high God we shall increase. Nor is there any doubt of our being the army of God upon his earth. He created us, and gave us power over every one upon whom his anger rests. Wherefore, let what is past be to you an example, and what we have mentioned a warning. Fortifications are nothing in our hands, nor doth [400] the joining of battle avail you any thing; nor will your intreaties be heard or regarded. Take warning therefore by others, and surrender entirely to us, before the veil be taken off, and [the punishment of] sin light upon you.

For we shall have no mercy upon him that complains, nor be moved by him that weeps. We have wasted countries, we have destroyed men, we have made children orphans, and the land desolate. It is your business to run away; ours to pursue; nor can you escape our swords, nor fly from our arrows. Our horses are racers; our arrows strike home; our swords pierce like lightning; our fortifications are like mountains, and our numbers like the sand. Whosoever surrenders comes off safe: whosoever is for war, repents it. If you will obey our command, and come to our terms, your interest and ours shall be the same; but if you be refractory and persist in your error, blame not us, but yourselves. God is against you, ye wicked wretches: look out for something to screen you under your miseries, and find somebody to bear you company in your affliction.

We have given you fair warning, and fair warning is fair play. You have eaten things forbidden 226, you have been perfidious in your treaties. You have introduced new heresies, and thought it a gallant thing to commit sodomy. Prepare yourselves therefore for [401] scorn and contempt. Now you will find what you have done; for they that have done amiss, will now find their state changed. You take it for granted, that we are infidels. We take it for granted, that you are villains; and He by whose hand all things are disposed and determined, hath given us the dominion over you.

The greatest man you have is despicable among us; and what you call rich, is a beggar. We govern the world from east to west, and whosoever is worth any thing is our prey; and we take every ship by force. Weigh therefore what is fit to be done, and return us a speedy answer, before infidelity 227 shall have kindled its fire, and scattered its sparks among you, and destroy you all from off the face of the earth. We have awakened you by sending to you: make haste with an answer, lest punishment come upon you unawares.

Footnotes from the editor

Footnote 225: (return): A quotation from the Koran. The Tartar was a deist, and quotes the Koran in derision.

Footnote 227: (return) As the Muhamedans charge every nation that doth not believe Muhamed to have been a prophet with infidelity, so the Tartar (who was a Deist) returns it upon them.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nawaz sharif is the new corrupt sulatan of Muslims of the 21st century.
he destroyed the money of the country with his stupid projects .
When ALLAH strikes him to make him a sign for the world,is only a matter of time.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Nawaz sharif is the new corrupt sulatan of Muslims of the 21st century.
he destroyed the money of the country with his stupid projects .
When ALLAH strikes him to make him a sign for the world,is only a matter of time.

Is this you concept of jangjoo ?
