532818180183328 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=532818180183328
R Rameez Chaudhry Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Sep 14, 2014 #1 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=532818180183328 Featured Thumbs https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Z5D7IpUGNUQ/VBWMq_9IlPI/AAAAAAAAChE/KWEcFZKNofI/w843-h500-no/45.jpg
desan President (40k+ posts) Sep 14, 2014 #2 Here is the concoted but probable list of those countries, US, UK, KSA, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt, Thailand, Ethiopia, and Uganda (last 2 countries at the behest of India).
Here is the concoted but probable list of those countries, US, UK, KSA, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Egypt, Thailand, Ethiopia, and Uganda (last 2 countries at the behest of India).
K knapps Senator (1k+ posts) Sep 14, 2014 #3 Good, very good, strip these corrupt noora pig and his corrupt allies