President Obama's decision to help militarily the shia led Syrian government by bombarding sunni Islamic caliphate is infact an attempt to browbeat the sunni alliance backers of IS ,saudia,turkey etc . This may not work and threatens even more fragmentation in Iraq .
This reminds me of Napolean's and Tipoo sultan's plan . Tipoo did not physically occupy a very large part of India but he had the influence and even sindh's Muslim rulers would not make pacts with British due to him . Tipoos communication with Napoleon led first to fall of Egypt in under nominal ottoman control but this speeded English fearing they will be decimated in India if Napoleon arrives in connivance with tipoo. So in desperation of situation they against odds defeated both marhattas and tipoo and Mughal empire was nearly subdued for ever . Obamas attacks will make sunni alliance occupy rest of Iraq , threaten Baghdad and even Kurdistan .
Khamenei is making a mistake of magnitude which will prove of biblical proportions , he to defeat IS should have offered joint governance of elements of IS, Turkey ,Saudia and Egypt and Iran to make Iraq peaceful . He is threatening the future of shia diaspora in sunni countries in coming decades and centuries . To ask help of white man in ethnic issues is not much of use as they do not settle in lands occupied these days and leave issues in worst state . See Iraqi Christians ,they were here since rashidoon caliphs and with idiocy of their leaders they are no where now.
The ayatolahs of Iran have proved no less destructive for blood of muslim youth than Chenghez Khan and their machinations are not stopping , hiding behind heavenly names and micro minds they are well on route to create circumstances for destruction of Muslim civilization in this part of the world . Their overthrow is mandatory if unity of Ummah is desired . Iran needs a proper well educated regime , one two degree holders here and there under dogs leish of Mullahs is no good .
The shia should like sunni lot keep an eye on doings of their clergy and not follow them blindly to bloodsheds.
This reminds me of Napolean's and Tipoo sultan's plan . Tipoo did not physically occupy a very large part of India but he had the influence and even sindh's Muslim rulers would not make pacts with British due to him . Tipoos communication with Napoleon led first to fall of Egypt in under nominal ottoman control but this speeded English fearing they will be decimated in India if Napoleon arrives in connivance with tipoo. So in desperation of situation they against odds defeated both marhattas and tipoo and Mughal empire was nearly subdued for ever . Obamas attacks will make sunni alliance occupy rest of Iraq , threaten Baghdad and even Kurdistan .
Khamenei is making a mistake of magnitude which will prove of biblical proportions , he to defeat IS should have offered joint governance of elements of IS, Turkey ,Saudia and Egypt and Iran to make Iraq peaceful . He is threatening the future of shia diaspora in sunni countries in coming decades and centuries . To ask help of white man in ethnic issues is not much of use as they do not settle in lands occupied these days and leave issues in worst state . See Iraqi Christians ,they were here since rashidoon caliphs and with idiocy of their leaders they are no where now.
The ayatolahs of Iran have proved no less destructive for blood of muslim youth than Chenghez Khan and their machinations are not stopping , hiding behind heavenly names and micro minds they are well on route to create circumstances for destruction of Muslim civilization in this part of the world . Their overthrow is mandatory if unity of Ummah is desired . Iran needs a proper well educated regime , one two degree holders here and there under dogs leish of Mullahs is no good .
The shia should like sunni lot keep an eye on doings of their clergy and not follow them blindly to bloodsheds.
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