why, he is still cooking, let him experiment KP as a role model for the country, by 5 years he will be ready to be mature and diplomatic on international stage. For next 5 years we need Mushharuff a mature kick *** genious debater to deal on international stage, then after that IK will be super ready, let him gain some experience badly needed to be the head of nuclear power pakistan.
You know my feelings regarding Musharaf very clearly then why are you poking me. My point is simple I am just talking about military and war ethics keeping aside religion which however should not be the case, internationally military acknowledged fact, most disgraceful armies are those which while retrieving leaving behind dead bodies and that man left behind live die hard warriors at the mercy of the our enemies and what was the result friends became foes and americans capitalized the situation, they infiltrated in them and the result is TTP. Single one phone call and he made the U turn, unpardonable.
You are not fully aware what happened to our sodiers at Kargil, how bravely they fought and in the end they were left without ammunition, it was the joint mistake of the army high command and coward nawaz. There is long list anyway if you still like that man this is your decision and you have a right but I hate him, who introduced NRO, result of which is nawaz, zardari. I strongly feel if dictators are sincere and think above their personal gains they are much better than this selection process but unfortunately all dictators kept their priorities in personal gains.
Now you are talking another five years if present regime lasts that much time, believe me every state machinery will be under their personal control, awful. I dont think musharaf can make a come back, yes if foreign masters give some nod. IK appears to be a man of integrity and his past record shows he is not traditional politician of muk mukka but how the election results were rigged with percision unbelievable. Dark night looming with nowhere site of light.