Freedom of Information: Compared to KP, federal Information Bill is a tame, vague effort to deny inf


MPA (400+ posts)
[TABLE="width: 500, align: center"]
[TD="class: small_txt, align: right"]اسلام آباد (عمر چیمہ) مسلم لیگ (ن) کی حکومت نے آزادیٴ اظہار رائے کے بے ضرر قانون کا ڈرافٹ تیار کیا جس کی بعدازاں سینیٹ کمیٹی نے منظوری بھی دے دی ہے۔ اس پر عملدرآمد کے لئے ایک کمزور طریقہ کار رکھا گیا ہے‘ اس میں ان افراد کے لئے سزا تجویز کی گئی ہے جو ”بدنیتی کی بنیاد“ پر ان سرکاری محکموں کے خلاف اپیل میں جائیں جو کوئی بھی معلومات دینے سے انکار کردیں۔

اس قانونی مسودے میں پارلیمنٹ کو مقدس گائے کے طور پر لیا گیا ہے جس کے بارے میں عوام کو کوئی بھی معلومات لینے کا حق دینے سے انکار کیاگیا ہے۔ اس کے برعکس عدلیہ جس کا آئین کے اندر ایک خصوصی مقام ہے، کے کام سے متعلق کسی بھی طرح کی معلومات حاصل کی جاسکتی ہیں۔

اس کا موازنہ اگر ہم خیبر پختونخوا میں پاکستان تحریک انصاف کی حکومت کے متعارف کردہ معلومات حاصل کرنے کے حق کے ایک مثالی قانون سے کریں تو وفاقی حکومت کا تیار کردہ قانون اپنی وسعت میں انتہائی
محدود قانون ہے۔ مسودے میں معلومات سے انکار کرنے والے ان افسروں کے خلاف کوئی سزا نہیں رکھی گئی ہے جبکہ کرپشن کے خلاف آواز بلند کرنے والے کسی بھی شخص کو کوئی تحفظ نہیں دیا گیا ہے۔

خیبر پختونخوا کے معلومات تک رسائی کے قوانین کو عالمی بنک کے ماہرین نے عالمی سطح پر نافذ العمل ایسے تین اعلیٰ قوانین میں سے ایک قرار دیا ہے۔ پی ٹی آئی حکومت نے معلومات تک رسائی کے قانون کے مسودے کی تیاری کے دوران معلومات تک رسائی کے عالمی ماہرین سے بھی مشاورت کی تھی تاکہ اس کو زیادہ جامع اور مکمل بنایا جاسکے۔ اس کے برعکس وفاقی حکومت کا تیار کردہ اطلاعات کی آزادی کا مسودہ بیوروکریسی اور سیاست دانوں کے ذہن کی اختراع لگتا ہے جو معلومات کو خفیہ رکھنے کے کلچر کو برقرار رکھنا چاہتے ہیں۔

وفاق کا آزادیٴ اظہار رائے کا قانونی مسودہ پرویز مشرف حکومت کے 2002ء کے متعارف کردہ ڈرافٹ کی نقل ہے۔ اس ڈرافٹ کو ڈونرز کے دباؤ پر ایک آرڈیننس کے ذریعے متعارف کرایا گیا تھا جو ن لیگ کے ڈرافٹ سے مختلف نہیں تھا۔ موجودہ مسودہ وزارت اطلاعات و نشریات نے تیار کیا ہے جسے دیگر کے علاوہ ن لیگ، پی پی پی اور ق لیگ کے ارکان پر مشتمل سینیٹ کی قائمہ کمیٹی کے سامنے پیش کیا گیا ہے۔ 28 اگست کو سینیٹ کی کمیٹی نے اس بل کی منظوری دی۔

یہ وزیراطلاعات کی اس گفتگو کی عکاسی کرتا ہے جس میں انہوں نے کہا تھا کہ حکومت تمام اسٹیک ہولڈرز کے اتفاق رائے کے بعد کوئی بھی فیصلہ کرتی ہے۔ خیبر پختونخوا کا معلومات تک رسائی کا قانون جیسا کہ نام سے ظاہر ہے کہ یہ قانون عوام کے معلومات لینے کے حق کو تسلیم کرتا ہے۔ اس کے برعکس وفاق کا ڈرافٹ جو سینیٹ کی ایک کمیٹی نے منظور بھی کرلیا ہے، اس کا نام اطلاعات کی آزادی رکھا گیا ہے کہ لوگوں کو آزادی دی جارہی ہے کہ وہ معلومات کے لئے پوچھیں جیسے کہ یہ ان کا کوئی حق نہیں ہے۔

خیبر پختونخوا کے معلومات تک رسائی کے قانون میں معلومات حاصل کرنے کی کوئی فیس رکھی گئی نہ ہی کسی درخواست کے لئے کوئی مخصوص فارم رکھا گیا ہے۔ وفاق کے ڈرافٹ میں یہ دونوں چیزیں موجود ہیں جو بظاہر عوام کی حوصلہ شکنی کی ایک کوشش ہے۔

خیبر پختونخوا کا قانون معلومات تک رسائی سے انکار کرنے والے محکموں کے خلاف ایک آزاد اور طاقت ور انفارمیشن کمیشن کا وعدہ کرتا ہے جبکہ وفاقی حکومت کے مسودہ قانون میں سرکاری محکموں کی طرف سے معلومات تک رسائی نہ دینے کے خلاف شکایات پر وفاقی محتسب کو اپیلنٹ اتھارٹی مقرر کیا گیا ہے۔ وفاقی محتسب کو کوئی عدالتی اختیارات نہیں ہیں جو صرف سفارش کرسکتا ہے جس کی پابندی ان محکموں پر لازمی نہیں ہے۔

ISLAMABAD: The PML-N government has produced a toothless Freedom of Information (FOI) law draft, subsequently approved by a Senate Committee. Other than providing a weak enforcement mechanism, it has proposed punishment for those who go to appeal on ‘malicious grounds’ against the departments which deny information.

The draft law has treated parliament as a sacred cow, denying the public right to seek any information about it.On the contrary, the judiciary, which has a special status in the Constitution, can be approached for information about its working.

Compared to an exemplary RTI law introduced by the PTI government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the draft prepared by the federal government is extremely restrictive in scope, doesn’t prescribe punishment against officers denying information and offers no protection to whistle-blowers, its reading indicates.

The KP law has been rated by the World Bank’s experts as among the three top RTI laws being practised at the global level. The PTI government had consulted international RTI experts during the course of drafting the law in order to make it more comprehensive and close to perfection, whereas the federal government’s draft seems to be the brainchild of the bureaucracy and politicians who are keen to keep the culture of secrecy intact.

The federal FOI law draft is a replica of the one introduced by the Musharraf government in 2002, introduced under donors’ pressure and through a presidential ordinance, that was toothless like the PML-N government’s draft to be tabled as a multi-party bill in the Senate for approval.

The draft was designed by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and produced before the Senate Standing Committee constituting representatives of the PML-N, PPP and PML-Q, among others.

As the bill was approved by the Senate Committee on August 28, it had followed talk of the Information Minister Pervaiz Rasheed, who said the government believed “in consensus and took decision after taking on board all stakeholders.”

He was taking credit of a draft bill that would change nothing on the ground as it carries weak pro-active disclosure provisions, offers vague definitions of ‘information’ and national security in addition to a complicated process of filing information requests that is tantamount to discouraging them.

Contrary to the KP’s RTI law that acknowledges public right to know as its name implies, the FOI draft approved by the Senate committee suggests through its name as if people are being granted freedom to ask information as if that is not their right.

While the KP’s law neither asks for any fee to apply for information nor one needs any prescribed form to furnish request, the FOI draft of the federal government has asked for both making it complicated in an apparent bid to discourage them.Likewise, the KP’s law promises an independent and powerful information commission to take action against the departments denying public access to information, the federal government’s draft law has made federal ombudsman as appellate authority to take up complaints as was the case in the FOI ordinance introduced by the Musharraf government.

The ombudsman does not have any judicial authority and can only recommend that is not mandatory for the offending departments to comply with.

Again, the KP’s law does not require an applicant to declare his intentions for seeking any particular information, the federal government’s draft calls into question the intentions especially if somebody dares to go in appeal against the government department denying information.

The Article 19 (2) of the FOI draft reads: “Where a complaint instituted is found to be malicious, frivolous, vexatious, the complaint may be dismissed by Mohtasib (Ombudsman) and fine may be imposed on the complainant up to an amount not exceeding ten thousands rupees, after providing him the opportunity of being heard.”

Inclusion of this provision means discouraging an applicant to go into appeal against a departmental officer denying information. While honouring recommendations of the ombudsman is not mandatory for the department denying information, punishing the appellant with ‘malicious’ intent is suggested in the draft law.

Instead of incorporating any provision forcing the concerned department to provide information within the prescribed time period of 20 days, the Article 13 (4) rather advises the applicant to file a review application to the principal officer of the public body before going to the ombudsman, a practice apparently intended to lengthen the process and discourage the applicant with the warning not to dare again.

While the KP’s RTI law allows seeking information of the executives, legislature and courts, the federal government’s law has exempted Parliament from this category, not though the courts, according to its article 4 (2). Law should also have included autonomous or semi-autonomous institutions, and private institutions, which receive or have received in the past official funding, subsidies, amenity plots, tax benefits or any other support.

The federal government law has excluded a lot of information in the name of ‘national security’ that has been vaguely defined. Article 4 (2) of the draft law reads: “National security” means and includes the matters pertaining to the integrity, security or defence of Pakistan or any part thereof.”

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Niazi Hawk

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Compared to KP, federal Information Bill is a tame, vague effort to deny info - Umar Cheema

کہاں راجہ بھوج اور کہاں گنگو تیلی


President (40k+ posts)
Re: Compared to KP, federal Information Bill is a tame, vague effort to deny info - Umar Cheema

Smoke and mirrors in the name of TRANSPARENCY!!!!
I guess this is best thing happend to pakistan non league is in power now they will be exposed completely people will servive but once only .this time they have to pay back haveily those mansha and ch serwar type investor along with corrupt and incompetent beuracuracy who did manage their win ....honestly I bet you now clean sweep before imran use to say and I beleive it hardly but now I say pti will cleen sweep when ever there will be election ..


MPA (400+ posts)
KPK on the move

Getting any legal or government document in Pakistan is a herculean task; I had always heard this from my parents and friend. You either have to pay some money (bribe) or have friends in high places to be able to get your documents.

Recently, a relative wanted his GP Fund Final Payment from the District Accounts office. We were both worried but had to visit the concerned office. To our utter amazement there was excellent service offered. The contact numbers of all main people were pasted on the wall. We had the work done efficiently and quickly.

It reminded me of PTI’ manifesto and slogan of change and we saw the bona fide change! Change in the behavior of government officials who were civil and polite is something we are normally not used to but I saw it in the province under the rule of the PTI.

I am a common man with no affiliation with any political party. I have never seen such remarkable steps which have been taken by PTI government. With due apologies, the continuous harping on the part of the media about no change in KPK is wrong. I am a permanent resident of KPK and I can honestly say that there is a marked change in the behavior of the policemen as well as the department itself. A lot of govt officials were suspended as well as transferred due to their corruption, so isn’t that change?

People have direct access to Chief Minister through phone lines, faxes and email address. Isn’t this change? People are given direct access to Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the department concerned. What kind of change did the people expect? Now, it is also our responsibility to help the PTI government plug the loopholes by pinpointing those who demand money to do their job.


D I Khan, August 31.



MPA (400+ posts)
Re: KPK on the move

Thank you for the story. I hope more people will come forward with stories like this and true stories NOT made-up.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Tabdeli agayi hai


Revolution Has taken place in the "NWFP" KPK??? honh!!!!)

My friends know that I had alwayz been against politicians from whatever parties they may be.
I am in Peshawar. Yesterday went to patwari and then to registrarz office to register a transfer of property. This was my firm belief that I will need to spend weeks in Peshawar to get the deal registered not only that but would need to pay 5/6 k bribe as well. This is a reality which nobody can deny all over Pakistan. Someone told me that the DC Peshawar personally contact all the parties to deals in property means that if 50 deals are registered the DC talks with the parties of all the parties to these deals on their sell numbers which are required to be mention in the docs. When I heard this started laughing because this iz Pakistan not Utopia.

Would you believe that the registration which used to need weeks was done within minutes and nobody asked me for any bribe etc. The most surprising fact is that I submitted the deal for registration at 12:30 pm and the received the call of the Private Secretary of the DC Peshawar on my mobile at 4:30 pm and told be that DC Pesh wanted to tok to me. The respectable DC toked to me in an unbeliveable manner and inquired whether I was asked by someone to pay some extra beyond the Govt dues?

Iz dis not a revolutionary change in the patwari culture of the "NWFP"??? What about Shehbaz Sharif who spend years talking about change and eridication of patwari culture?

By God I dislike(I waz about to write "hate" but could not because of fear of Allah) all the politicians including I Khan and I have not voted for anyone I DO NOT expect any "khyr" from politicians. Their history is in support of my view. HOWEVER, just wanted to share my personal experience with you

Its not my experience . link is given above
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Tabdeli agayi hai

Littar maro shair aur us ke jhootay no ser baz supporters ko. This is a slap on ur a**!


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
ایک تیر سے دو شکار ، اپنی پرفارمنس اور دوسروں کی نا اہلی ، سب کچھ عیاں کر دیا
