Faisal Raza abidi again abused Chief Justice in Live TV show and challenges Saqib Nisar with facts


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
yeh aaya KBR ka sher.
Agree 100% on his comments on showbaaz CJ.

This showbaaz CJ is only interested in getting his name in headlines like arslan ka abbu.
He is doing things that he is not supposed to and not doing things that he is supposed to.
End result: Nothing will get done and this CJ knows this very well but he dont care. He is only interested in getting kampanee ki mashoori at the cost of pillar of the state called judiciary.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

I think whatever he has said and asked (besides his language towards CJ) is right questions to ask, he is right in saying it is social media courts, because all we see is only on social media, where are the factual results, his every question needs to be replied.. Why is Asif Zardari free till now, Why is Sharjeel memon not behind the bars, why is Rauf Siddiqui not even asked any question on his corruptions, why is Dr.Asim still free, why is Uzair Baluch still free, any one declared criminal found in crimes is punished so far? I do not see it. Why is Nawaz still treated like a VIP? and is allowed to say whatever he wants against Judiciary or Military? are Pakistanis being made fool once again by social media trails or there is really an honest person who is doing some concrete things to protect Pakistan and eliminate corruption. I don't know this ABIDI and do not care about what party he belongs to, because I do not belong to any party, I just love Pakistan, and oppose the one who is harmful to Pakistan, and appreciate any one who looks talking sense.


Minister (2k+ posts)

Tarzan Faridi is a :


In which part of the interview was he praising your Master?

I think about this one!


So Tarzan now agrees that PANAMA case is legal and the judiciary is favoring his Masters?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Calling CJ a bad man, i ask what is the source of income of this guy before he question others. at least he is talking about somethings, he may me threatened by such guys who are known to use killings to silence others. so give him time and see which way camel turns.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
THis is what Faisal Raza Exposed in 2012 about well known corrupt Chief justice Iftikhar and we did not believe and later we saw real ugly face of CJ IFtikhar and his son how they fooled the whole nation



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
THis is what Faisal Raza Exposed in 2012 about well known corrupt Chief justice Iftikhar and we did not believe and later we saw real ugly face of CJ IFtikhar and his son how they fooled the whole nation

previous CJ that you talk about, was a boot licker of PMLN , but this CJ has talked about may things, niot all but many things, now no one knows internal things, may be he is threatened by those folks who are known to have threatened and killed people.Income F.R.A.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
previous CJ that you talk about, was a boot licker of PMLN , but this CJ has talked about may things, niot all but many things, now no one knows internal things, may be he is threatened by those folks who are known to have threatened and killed people.Income F.R.A.

Justice Saqib has Clearly Bailed out Hamza Shahbaz on Aisha Wahid case by calling Aisha and taking under taking
He has done nothing in Hudibya Case
He has allowed Nawaz Sharif to leave the country
Nawaz Sharif has not proof against his corruption but still they are Lingering on the case
List goes on and on...
Justice Delayed in Justice Denyed


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Justice Saqib has Clearly Bailed out Hamza Shahbaz on Aisha Wahid case by calling Aisha and taking under taking
He has done nothing in Hudibya Case
He has allowed Nawaz Sharif to leave the country
Nawaz Sharif has not proof against his corruption but still they are Lingering on the case
List goes on and on...
Justice Delayed in Justice Denyed
He is touching those cases where he is not threatened, that is what i think, because we know al these parties who use police to do police muqabla, or Do it in secret, or have that policeman killed in his home in front of his family who caught that girl smuggling money at the airport.

So be patient and see which way it goes, it is too early to judge him.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
He is touching those cases where he is not threatened, that is what i think, because we know al these parties who use police to do police muqabla, or Do it in BORIS, or have that policeman killed in his home in front of his family who caught that girl smuggling money at the airport.

So be patient and see which way it goes, it is too early to judge him.

He should have changed the system of Justice and done reforms but he has not done anything. He does Photo shots here and there with one case or the other, he is not serious in bringing changes just decieving the general Illiterate Public.
