پنجاب پولیس: 60فیصدسب انسپکٹر میٹرک پاس


Minister (2k+ posts)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Political appointments toh har hukumat ka tareeka raha hai ab tak. Ab yeh sab change honay ka wakt agaya hai. Performance dikao warna aainda ki rigging bhaari parh jaegi kyu k baghair performance k koi jeeta toh awam shayad hi bardasht karay.

Mr Justice

Minister (2k+ posts)
It feels that the entire police is illiterate and 'education free'.......when you speak to an ordinary soldier or to an officer, the most common factor you will find among them are 'repectlessness' for general public.........and their language is somewhat similar too......


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The minimum qualification of Junior commissioned officer or ranks in our military forces is also Matriculation.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
نہیں نہیں ، یہ ہو ہی نہیں سکتا ، میں نہیں مانتا ، ساٹھ فیصد میٹرک پاس نہیں میٹرک فیل ہوں گے
