The Bnei Menashe claim to be a lost Jewish tribe currently living in a remote corner of India. They identify as Jews and are to be sent to Nepal for fast-track conversion to so-called Orthodoxy (in the strict Zionist-fundamentalist sense) and thereby qualify for immigration to I$rael under the Law of Return. Despite that these Indian Jews have been DNA-tested and were not found to have any ancestral connection to Middle Eastern populations, they have friends in high places and fulfill a certain useful role at the moment.
The friends in question are Michael Freund, former assistant to I$raeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a U$-based evangelical religious organization called the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. The latter, like many such evangelical outfits, is possibly something of a CIA-front. (1) (2) (3)
Rabbi Eliyaho Avichail, who has worked with the Bnei Menashe Jews since the 1980s, believes that Armageddon is at hand, to be waged in Jerusalem all the world is pitted against Israel. Avichail professes to believe that there are around 6 million members of lost Jewish tribes who must be brought to I$rael as a matter of urgent biblical military logistics.
There are, however, less speculative reasons for I$rael to seek the migration of Bnei Menashe tribals. In fact, the Bnei Menashe are to man an armed settler outpost in illegal settlement areas in the West Bank right next to Hebron, the largest Palestinian city. They are to help destroy I$raels agreement to freeze the expansion of its settlements. The Bnei Menashe are particularly useful as Zionist cannon fodder because most I$raelis would not wish to put themselves in such a direct firing line. As Dror Etkes, who monitors settlement growth for Yesh Din, an I$raeli human rights group, says:
There is a mutual interest being exploited here, he said. The Bnei Menashe get help to make aliyah [immigration] while the settlements get lots of new arrivals to bolster their numbers, including in settlements close to Palestinian areas where most Israelis would not want to venture. (4)
In recent years, I$rael has been desperately searching for Jews to reinforce its garrison population and thus its capacity to subjugate and exploit the long-suffering Palestinian people, their land, and labour. Many non-Jews (able to migrate by virtue having even the loosest connection to non-Jewish spouses, children and grandchildren of Jews) have been subjected to racism, discrimination and even violent attacks upon entry to I$rael. The inability to assimilate many Jews, particularly from the former Soviet Union, into respectable settler society has led to much Knesset hand-wringing over a deepening divide in Jewish society as immigration of non-Jewish Jews reaches critical mass. Some establishment Zionists have even complained of the formation of a possible fifth column. (5) Indeed, the lack of Jewish identity, backward consciousness and social marginality of many Jews from the former Soviet Union has seen a rise in overtly Nazi political activity amongst some.
I$rael faces a contradiction between preserving national unity on the basis of the continuing oppression of Palestinians whilst admitting hostile non-Jewish elements and a multi-cultural concept of national democracy that would afford its Arab population the self-determination so deadly to the Zionist project. In the meantime, all it can do to postpone the inevitable bifurcation is to call on Unkle $ams KKKhristian footsoldiers to help it out of its bind, in this case, with the help of desperate Third World people.
(1) CIA, Mossad Promoting Evangelism in Northern Iraq,
(2) Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil. Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon by Gerard Colby with Charlotte Dennett( Harper Collins, 1995), reviewed by Carmelo Ruiz,
(3) Bushs Conversion Agenda for India: Preparing for the harvest , VK Shashikumar, Tehelka, February 2004,
(4) Israel fast-tracking Indian immigrants to subvert settlement freeze, Jonathan Cook, The Electronic Intifada, 28 January 2010,
(5) Non-Jewish Immigrants Forcing Israel to Choose Between Being a Jewish State and a Democracy, Allan C. Brownfeld, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, April 2000, pages 66-67,