Zardari's Relationship with Fake accounts


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Billo Rani khusri ki cheekhain sunn krr aur khusri ki halatt daikh krr hi ptta chal chukka thaa keh yeh saaraa muamla sachaa hai


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Well done I salute you upon your hard work to expose of money laundering cycle used by zardari and shrief family and others.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Asif thug dari, the biggest choor tried to hide all the proof, and the cleverest choor in the world leave some evidence behind. ALLAH swt is the only ONE to catch such thieves and inshaALLAH this choor will soon be behind bars. and only behind bars, the looted money should also be recovered by selling his assets inside and outside pakistan.
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