Zardari was right about one thing: Democracy is a best revenge.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Thats what he is doing this favour to this nation from the day one and no one appreciate him ,only curse him 10 million times a day and he is taking it with a big heart .what a ****** guy he is.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
وہ کہتا تھا ' " پاکستان کھپے"
تو کھپ گیا نہ پاکستان


Senator (1k+ posts)
It's only been less than 3 years ....he still has more than 2 yrs to go . I fear and really feel bad for the person who is gonna may make the next government , whoever it will be ..if he is even 50% patriot ..he is gonna have real tough time fixing all this I said this dog still has more than 2 yrs to go ... Imagine what would Pakistan look like in 2013 if this mad dog is let run around without a leash like this. The image scares me .... God bless Pakistan !


Councller (250+ posts)
aik Zardari sab par bhari........ ooh Zardri this country has given you a lot, just return half of it.....
