Zaman Khan ,14 Gold Medals, University of Health and Sciences, Pakistan.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
All good students will be exported to US.

A wide gap in Pakistan of well educated people.


Staff member
wow, what a student:You_Rock_Emoticon:

May Allah Bless him and give him strength to serve people of Pakistan. Ameen

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Minister (2k+ posts)
Shareef admi lagta hay.pakistan main rahay ga to ISI utha kar Amreeka kay hawalay kar day gi.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: A Brilliant Mulla ~ Masha ALLAH

Mashallah!!! Beauty of a Pathan Mind!!!!

Where is that guy who was posting offending pathan jokes on this forum???? Someone should have posted this video to that di**ckhead's post....


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: A Brilliant Mulla ~ Masha ALLAH

@changji, brother, he's not a pathan, for your info. Need not show any prejudiced, biased thinking...he's a Pakistani,...Proud of Pakistan
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
جب میڈلز دینے والوں کے ہاتھ تھک گے ۔۔ ایک ہی &

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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: "A Brilliant Mulla"

Please, don't call someone 'MULLA' just because he has a beard. Beard is the 'Sunnah' of the Prophet pbuh and if you 'call' someone 'MULLA' only due to his 'beard',then you're not only 'insulting' the Sunnah of the Prophet pbuh, but also 'ridiculing' it'.

God forbid...Allahumma inni aaoozo bika min sharre lisaani'. Ameen


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: "A Brilliant Mulla"

good video

aur yeh aadmi qareeban adha kilo sona lay gaya hai shyd:P
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: "A Brilliant Mulla"

good video with bad title name.
change the title
aur yeh aadmi qareeban adha kilo sona lay gaya hai shyd:P

I dont know about these medals, but Olympic Gold medals are comprised of 1.34% gold (approk 6 grams of gold.) 93% silver and 6% copper.
