Mr. Zaid Hamid is always one alternative for Pakistan !!! His personal life should not be involved in this media stream . As he said and in quran sura al-Ahzab
Ayat 58 says, any abuse, name and blame, aligation on muslims (male,female) have not done, is a big sinn and will come back on those muslims who accused the muslim brother.
Please check this in quran and if you think you are muslim then change your beheaviour ok.
Mr. zaid Hamid infused the Zieal of Pakistan ( IK ISIK IK JOONON ) we never got it before and love for Iqbal and beautiful explanation, even refreshing for the old generation. Forgiveness, love and peace for the humanity the real essence of Islam and spiritualism, he explained with modern way on computer!!!
There is one more person Dr. Qadeer Khan is writing in daily Jang urdu articles. He has also the same kind of HERO to respect and trebute with
douwas and salam and wish that may Allah give us such leaders including IMRAN KHAN, rt. general Gul hameed and many others !!!!!
PAK FORCES ZINDABAD pakistan zindabad!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any one who does or wants to do good things for the Ummat-e-mohammadi will be met with strong opposition. My sadness is that it always comes from maulvis. They consider themselves islam key alambardar, fact is that they havent anything in life. Please do tell EVEN ONE THING they have done that is considered material for the good of Ummah. Any body can hold conferences, talk shows, print magazines, and periodicals. Did any body, except for Maudoodi in his time, stood up, took to the street, gave lives for the sake of Ummah?
When people are dying of hunger, darkness, criminals are at large, kafir forces are exploding bombs, they just sit in their hujrahs. Its the poor guys on the street that has courage and jazba to stand up to the govt. At the bad times, why is it that they always hybernate in seclusion??
The only people talking about our current condition in country, are IK and ZH. Others such as NZ, AH, JI, etc are just waiting for Zardari's term to be over so they can shine their badges and look for votes.
The only ;maulana' I ever liked and were worth liking, were Israr, Maudoodi, Thanvis, etc. MayAllah bless their souls to the utmost, ameen
the only group actually working for good of our country are the braves at air, land and sea forces. May Allah make them strong, for they are they are our real mujahedeens
Zaid Hamid, the only clear alternative for Pakistan
Pakistan Paindabad