Zaid Hamid, our Hero, Our Mujahid, Fan Of Pakistan, Iqbal, Ashiq -e- Rasool (s.a.w)

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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Reasons Why Zaid Hamid a Real Hero in the eyes of MuhammedYasir

Gazoo's Notes:

sada jeo Hamid saheb,

in 5 months I have learned that I did not learned in decades. I pray for your long life, taqwa, and safety, and takmeel of your mission. Let the munafeqeens suffer from their own failures.


Voter (50+ posts)
meri baat sa sab agree kerga... yeh movli ki dukhti rug nai balk AHKRAT r EMAN ka mamla hay....

yeh to wohi jana jisi malom ho EMAN kehta kisya ha. Allah mujh smet hum sab ko hadayt dah amein.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
meri baat sa sab agree kerga... yeh movli ki dukhti rug nai balk AHKRAT r EMAN ka mamla hay....

yeh to wohi jana jisi malom ho EMAN kehta kisya ha. Allah mujh smet hum sab ko hadayt dah amein.

Gazoomartin is the momin-e-azam (according to him and ZH of course) and he knows much better then any Alim would ever know about Islam. We already heard his qira'at, I think we might soon hear that he is also getting dreams about interpretation of deen. As he is the all knowing he hates mullahs as people might associate Islamic knowledge with them.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Aslam u alikum,

To all my Brother's and sister's.

Few mounths back zahid hamid, ex wife interview publish in daily ummat newspaper.. i hope you got so many information about zahid hamid.

episode 1

episode 2

episode 3 (last)


It seems it is you who have a put a hand on dukhti rug of some comrades of ZH. What with ZH being an infaliable personality in their eyes and you showing this mirror to them. Of course ZH will not respond to Ummat. Well done my friend. You are doing a service to the cause of destroying fitna.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
meri baat sa sab agree kerga... yeh movli ki dukhti rug nai balk AHKRAT r EMAN ka mamla hay....

yeh to wohi jana jisi malom ho EMAN kehta kisya ha. Allah mujh smet hum sab ko hadayt dah amein.

I love ulamas, just dont like selfish and corrupt maulvis

Zaid Hamid, the only clear alternative for Pakistan

Pakistan paindabad


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
It seems it is you who have a put a hand on dukhti rug of some comrades of ZH. What with ZH being an infaliable personality in their eyes and you showing this mirror to them. Of course ZH will not respond to Ummat. Well done my friend. You are doing a service to the cause of destroying fitna.

naaah i dont wanna destroy your maulvis, they aint worth it. they are just fasadis. deen-emullah fi sabilillah fasad

Zaid Hamid, the only clear alternative for Pakistan

Pakistan paindabad


Minister (2k+ posts)
Mr. Zaid Hamid is always one alternative for Pakistan !!! His personal life should not be involved in this media stream . As he said and in quran sura al-Ahzab
Ayat 58 says, any abuse, name and blame, aligation on muslims (male,female) have not done, is a big sinn and will come back on those muslims who accused the muslim brother.
Please check this in quran and if you think you are muslim then change your beheaviour ok.
Mr. zaid Hamid infused the Zieal of Pakistan ( IK ISIK IK JOONON ) we never got it before and love for Iqbal and beautiful explanation, even refreshing for the old generation. Forgiveness, love and peace for the humanity the real essence of Islam and spiritualism, he explained with modern way on computer!!!
There is one more person Dr. Qadeer Khan is writing in daily Jang urdu articles. He has also the same kind of HERO to respect and trebute with
douwas and salam and wish that may Allah give us such leaders including IMRAN KHAN, rt. general Gul hameed and many others !!!!!
PAK FORCES ZINDABAD pakistan zindabad!!!!!!!!!!!!


Abul Kazb Zaid Hamid Labels Los Angeles As Bombay


Below is the statement about this picture:on ZH official page:(

World has never seen a picture like this. High adrenaline and excitement
would rush through your blood once you realize what this is. This is the Indian
port of Bombay – up, close and personal – through the periscope of a Pakistani
hunter killer submarine, Allahu Akbar!!

No force in the world has seen an enemy port so close in the mouth of
danger, in death defying manner, challenging the arrogant enemy with such dignified
confidence. Only Pakistani sub-marine force could do this, Alhamdulillah. InshAllah,
when the azaan for defense of this Medina e sani will be given, Indians won’t
know what hit them, literally.

Always remember our bravest under sea warriors in your dua who are
always taking death defying risks, combat ready, deep under the sea, right into
the heart of the enemy. You want to see what is wrath of Allah for enemies –
they are called the submarine force of Pakistan Navy. Pride for the Ummah, honor for the nation.

Mashallah, Mashallah, Mashallah.
You can find the original article from where this picture has been stolen here

This is how this follower of a KAzab speaks lies and plays with youths emotions.

You can read the full story at:

Check it out yourself before he removes it after knowing that his lie has been exposed


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Mr. Zaid Hamid is always one alternative for Pakistan !!! His personal life should not be involved in this media stream . As he said and in quran sura al-Ahzab
Ayat 58 says, any abuse, name and blame, aligation on muslims (male,female) have not done, is a big sinn and will come back on those muslims who accused the muslim brother.
Please check this in quran and if you think you are muslim then change your beheaviour ok.
Mr. zaid Hamid infused the Zieal of Pakistan ( IK ISIK IK JOONON ) we never got it before and love for Iqbal and beautiful explanation, even refreshing for the old generation. Forgiveness, love and peace for the humanity the real essence of Islam and spiritualism, he explained with modern way on computer!!!
There is one more person Dr. Qadeer Khan is writing in daily Jang urdu articles. He has also the same kind of HERO to respect and trebute with
douwas and salam and wish that may Allah give us such leaders including IMRAN KHAN, rt. general Gul hameed and many others !!!!!
PAK FORCES ZINDABAD pakistan zindabad!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any one who does or wants to do good things for the Ummat-e-mohammadi will be met with strong opposition. My sadness is that it always comes from maulvis. They consider themselves islam key alambardar, fact is that they havent anything in life. Please do tell EVEN ONE THING they have done that is considered material for the good of Ummah. Any body can hold conferences, talk shows, print magazines, and periodicals. Did any body, except for Maudoodi in his time, stood up, took to the street, gave lives for the sake of Ummah?

When people are dying of hunger, darkness, criminals are at large, kafir forces are exploding bombs, they just sit in their hujrahs. Its the poor guys on the street that has courage and jazba to stand up to the govt. At the bad times, why is it that they always hybernate in seclusion??

The only people talking about our current condition in country, are IK and ZH. Others such as NZ, AH, JI, etc are just waiting for Zardari's term to be over so they can shine their badges and look for votes.

The only ;maulana' I ever liked and were worth liking, were Israr, Maudoodi, Thanvis, etc. MayAllah bless their souls to the utmost, ameen

the only group actually working for good of our country are the braves at air, land and sea forces. May Allah make them strong, for they are they are our real mujahedeens

Zaid Hamid, the only clear alternative for Pakistan
Pakistan Paindabad


Who Is Zaid Hamid??????
What is his relation with yousaf Kazab??????
And answers to many more questions with detailed background can be found here.

For links about newpaper headings check links below from P/1 to P/130

Books and Article on Yusuf Kazab:
1- Yusuf Kazab’s Personal Diary
2- Yusuf Kazab [Book] – Mian Ghaffar Ahmed
3- Fitna e Yusuf Kazab [Book] – Arshad Quraishi
4- Kazab [Book] – Allama Abu Khalid Tipu
5- Fatawa Against Yusuf Kazab
6- Poori Pakistani Baradari Jhooti Ya Akela Zaid Zaman Hamid ? By Moulana Saeed Ahmed Jalalpuri
7- Yusuf Kazab Ka Anjaam – Nov 2002
8- Jhotay Mudaiye Nabuwat Yusuf Kazab Ko Saza – Sep 2000
9- Brigadier Aslam Malik: Yusuf Kazab Aik Jhota Aur Makar Mudaiye Nabuwat

Eye Witness:
Meet Hesham A Syed – An Eye Witness Of Yusuf Kazab’s Claim Of Prophethood:

Audio of Yusuf Kazab:
Yusuf Kazab – I am Muhammad [53 mins Audio]

Yusuf Kazab Blasphemy Case:

1-Yusuf Kazab Case: Full Court Proceedings + Detailed Judgement [Original Copy]
2-Yusuf Kazab Blasphemy Case – Detailed Judgement of The Session Court
3- The Truth About Yusuf Kazab Blasphemy Case
4-“Fitna e Yusuf Kazzab” by Arshad Quraishi

Zaid Hamid Admits Links to Yusuf Kazzab and Defends Him:

1-Zaid Hamid Admits his Links to Yusuf Kazab and Defends him
2-Fatwa Fobia – Zaid Hamid’s Historic Article In Defense Of His False Prophet

AMTKN Responds To Zaid Hamid’s Accusations:
Zaid Hamid Lies “Lie 10 – Ulema Have No Evidence Against Yusuf Except for Newspaper Reports”:
Zaid Hamid Lies “Lie 9 – Yusuf Claimed to Be a Khalifa and Not a Prophet”:
Zaid Hamid Lies “Lie 8 – Ulema Are Liable for Qazaf Because of Accusing Yusuf Kazab of Committing Zina”
Zaid Hamid Lies “Lie 7 – Moulana Abdullah Supported Yusuf Kazab”
Zaid Hamid Lies “Lie 6 – Mufti Ghulam Sarwar Qadri Supported Yusuf Kazab”
Zaid Hamid Lies “Lie 5 – Moulana Abdul Rehman Ashrafi Supported Yusuf Kazab”
Zaid Hamid Lies “Lie 4 – Moulana Abdul Sattar Niazi Supported Yusuf Kazab “
Zaid Hamid Lies “Lie 3 – Not a Single Alim Opposed Yusuf Kazab in Court “
Zaid Hamid Lies “Lie 2 – I Dont Know Any Yusuf Kazab”
Zaid Hamid Lies “Lie 1 – I Dont Know Any Zaid Zaman”

Yusuf Kazzab case was a problem of Deobandi Brelvi maslak?

Zaid Hamid says he never met Yusuf Kazzab after 1992 till Yusuf was captured in 1997
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ZH is just a CULT who's disorientating simple minded people in the name of 'Iqbaliat'. He, by himself is disorientated 'missile' who doesn't know where he's going to fall. His followers will also have the same feelings.
Why the hell people don't use their own heads and brains? Why they just 'listen' and start following CULTS blindly? Why don't they open their own minds and read by themselves? People like ZH are and have been exploiting this weakness of people....
May Allah bless these poor souls...


Minister (2k+ posts)
zh is just a cult who's disorientating simple minded people in the name of 'iqbaliat'. He, by himself is disorientated 'missile' who doesn't know where he's going to fall. His followers will also have the same feelings.
Why the hell people don't use their own heads and brains? Why they just 'listen' and start following cults blindly? Why don't they open their own minds and read by themselves? People like zh are and have been exploiting this weakness of people....
May allah bless these poor souls...

your suggestion is good for you and start with the books and better follow some other programme !


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Aslam u alikum,

To all my Brother's and sister's.

Few mounths back zahid hamid, ex wife interview publish in daily ummat newspaper.. i hope you got so many information about zahid hamid.

episode 1

episode 2

episode 3 (last)


This is an essay on Zaid Hamid's life > You claimed it's an interview . Where the hell is interview ? When i read something against him i always want that people talk with proof. Blind trust on anyone is not a good idea nor is the false allegations. I hope truth comes in front of World .
For Zaid Hamid admirers i would say always listen both sides of story and dont trust someone blindly . So far i have no evidence that Zaid Hamid is really into what some people claim but i am always ready to find out truth and i wont be shocked if it's true about him as many people in the history had fooled people with their mesmerising personalities . I hope he is a true muslim and a servant of Islam
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Minister (2k+ posts)
This is an essay on Zaid Hamid's life > You claimed it's an interview . Where the hell is interview ? When i read something against him i always want that people talk with proof. Blind trust on anyone is not a good idea nor is the false allegations. I hope truth comes in front of World .
For Zaid Hamid admirers i would say always listen both sides of story and dont trust someone blindly . So far i have no evidence that Zaid Hamid is really into what some people claim but i am always ready to find out truth and i wont be shocked if it's true about him as many people in the history had fooled people with their mesmerising personalities . I hope he is a true muslim and a servant of Islam

The news you are bringing I personally dont care, it is his personal life . The knowledge he exposed through the media is importent. Follow what he is saying , dont follow who is saying is a (hadies ).
People like him as a leader as well the who can stop them ?
In this computer media he is a big voice ( voice of peace ) in the world !


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
This is an essay on Zaid Hamid's life > You claimed it's an interview . Where the hell is interview ? When i read something against him i always want that people talk with proof. Blind trust on anyone is not a good idea nor is the false allegations. I hope truth comes in front of World .
For Zaid Hamid admirers i would say always listen both sides of story and dont trust someone blindly . So far i have no evidence that Zaid Hamid is really into what some people claim but i am always ready to find out truth and i wont be shocked if it's true about him as many people in the history had fooled people with their mesmerising personalities . I hope he is a true muslim and a servant of Islam

Look at the reply from khan125 "Who Is Zaid Hamid??????
What is his relation with yousaf Kazab??????
And answers to many more questions with detailed background can be found here.
I do not think there is any thing that is left out from the subject. Has everything. After reading this what else are you looking for.?
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