You may not stop lauging at some points....


Minister (2k+ posts)
Well this could be of a little fun with adults but with kids of that ages its horrible. As one could clearly observe that kids are not amused but rather afraid, it has many affects on their lives. Some of them would have been complaining about nightmares or may become afraid of dark for rest of their lives or even being alone during day time. This is absolutely CHILD ABUSE.


Minister (2k+ posts)
there is no fun its realy shameful to scare people specialy kids you could easily be the cause of someone's death.


Senator (1k+ posts)
I would admit that I am a bit sado in this case. Sqeezing amusement out of scare? I don't know.
Oh, the post is from Sialkot. No wonder......
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MPA (400+ posts)
Well this could be of a little fun with adults but with kids of that ages its horrible. As one could clearly observe that kids are not amused but rather afraid, it has many affects on their lives. Some of them would have been complaining about nightmares or may become afraid of dark for rest of their lives or even being alone during day time. This is absolutely CHILD ABUSE.

I am agree with this argument that its not right with kids,
Their tiny beautiful heart could be failed.
So dont try it at home, plzzzzzzzz
kids are kids dont test their senses plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


MPA (400+ posts)
very interesting. . . . .[hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]

same reaction when i watched. . .. [hilar][hilar][hilar]


Minister (2k+ posts)
This is not good for children & small hearts & brains. It will create subcontious fear element. These videos & similar exercise should be stopped.


Councller (250+ posts)
Well atleast they all get to know that its was a prank and can attack the elder who duped them into it. What can the children of Pakistan do after watching the Sialkot lynchings on tv, internet, cell phones. My brain shuts down just thinking about the pain they had to go through before death came. And all the thoughts that might have come to them while being savaged 5 minutes from home. That is real terror.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
i am sure wadaich shitted in his trousers.....thats why he is screaming the most

Jhoota Kahin ka. I dont wear trousers. I wear Dhoti. Pehlay khabar ki tahqeeq kia karo. Lol
