Senator (1k+ posts)

Read the demands of drs thoroughly and decide urself being neutral wts rite n wts wrong
think if all these demands are met then who will benefit from this ? poor patients will get the benefit and this fight is not personal for any dr its for permanent health structure here...
realise it ppl
decide urself being pakistani nation in this matter u r with drs raising n fighting over these issues or with govt wasting ur tax money on adds and igniting u against drs running from their own responsibilities,,,,,,,,,,,,
nation has to decide this is the final time and u matter alot , u can get the bst health facilities in ur own province n country just raise ur voice b bold n wise not deaf n blind... votes ka qarz apka hai khadim pe apne and u have right to ask him abt this and pressurize him to solve the issue this time as he has already made 13 comitees in 2 years and still no result thats the performance of khadim e aala
mods kindly kindly let this topic stay as nobody really knows the demands of yda and drs and whole nation is being fooled by false pmln adds so its essential to show the reality aagey faisla awaam ka...