Yakub Memon's hanging: Chhota Shakeel warns India of consequences In a call to Indian media "Khoon K

Nauman Ghauri

Councller (250+ posts)
Heartily Thanks to darindera Modi for softening the ground for ISI on every possible dimension to welcome Muslims & Sikhs to work against Endia.

CPEC ban lene do phir Kashmir Pakistan ki shahrugg to hai he, Pakistan China ki shahrugg hoga.

Lost in Russian Diplomacy, Lost in China Diplomacy, Lost in KSA Diplomacy, Lost in NATO Diplomacy.... What a holy gift for Pakistan this Endian PM is.

Now I would welcome Endian cyber wing to attack with a pile of news links against Pakistan.:lol:


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Mumbai Don promises revenge for Yaqoob Memon
