Wonderful collection of speeches addresses and lectures of PM


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
How much u r paid by Musharraf for this chamcha giri??????????????

If you meet me in your life you would realise I belongs to those who try to give and solve problems of others .
Musharraf did not give me anything......
Now What would you like to say about my CHAMCHA GIRI ( As you think ) to Musharraf.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
yar at least we can listen to musharaf .....he is better speaker then zardari , gilani and takkla sharif and etc.
Although their policies are still the same but musharaf was better than this democratic government ........


Minister (2k+ posts)
sarbakaf;182801[B said:
]yar at least we can listen to musharaf [/B].....he is better speaker then zardari , gilani and takkla sharif and etc.
Although their policies are still the same but musharaf was better than this democratic government ........


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
President Musharraf's wonderful Economic achievements!

Economic Comparison 1999 2007 and beyond

Compiled by: Mirza Rohail B and Afreen Baig


Pak Economy in 1999 was: $ 75 billion
Pak Economy in 2007 is: $ 160 billion
Pak Economy in 2008 is: $ 170 billion

GDP Growth in 1999: 3.1 %
GDP Growth in 2005: 8.4 %
GDP Growth in 2007: 7 %
GDP Growth in 2009: 2 %

GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 1999: $ 270 billion
GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 2007: $ 475.5 billion
GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 2008: $ 504.3 billion

GDP per Capita Income in 1999: $ 450
GDP per Capita Income in 2007: $ 925
GDP per Capita Income in 2008: $1085

Pak revenue collection 1999: Rs. 305 billion
Pak revenue collection 2007: Rs. 708 billion
Pak revenue collection 2008: Rs. 990 billion
Pak revenue collection 2009: Rs. 1150 billion

Pak Foreign reserves in 1999: $ 700 million
Pak Foreign reserves in 2007: $ 16.4 billion
Pak Foreign reserves in 2008: $ 8.89 billion
Pak Foreign reserves in 2009: $ 14.4 billion

Pak Exports in 1999: $ 7.5 billion
Pak Exports in 2007: $ 18.5 billion
Pak Exports in 2008: $ 19.22 billion
Pak Exports in 2009: $ 17.78 billion

Textile Exports in 1999: $ 5.5 billion
Textile Exports in 2007: $ 11.2 billion

KHI stock exchange 1999: $ 5 billion at 700 points
KHI stock exchange 2007: $ 75 billion at 14,000 points
KHI stock exchange 2008: $ 46 billion at 9,300 points and $20 billion at 4,972 points
KHI stock exchange 2009: $ 26.5 billion at 9,000 points

Foreign Direct Investment in 1999: $ 1 billion
Foreign Direct Investment in 2007: $ 8.4 billion
Foreign Investment in 2008: $ 5.19 billion

Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) in 1999: 1.5%
Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) in 2005: 19.9%
Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) in 2007: 8.6%
Large Scale Manufacturing (LSM) in 2008: 4.8%

Debt (External Debt & Liabilities) in 1988: $ 18 billion
Debt (External Debt & Liabilities) in 1999: $ 39 billion
Debt (External Debt & Liabilities) in 2007: $ 40.17 billion
Debt (External Debt & Liabilities) in 2009: $ 50.1 billion

Debt servicing 1999: 65% of GDP
Debt servicing 2007: 26% of GDP
Debt servicing 2008: 27% of GDP

Poverty level in 1999: 34%
Poverty level in 2007: 24%

Literacy rate in 1999: 45%
Literacy rate in 2007: 53%

Pak Development programs 1999: Rs. 80 billion
Pak Development programs 2007: Rs. 520 billion
Pak Development programs 2008: Rs. 549.7 billion

Today, even the most prominent of media and journalist, have not only started to acknowledge this great economic achievement, but also started quoting these statistics to compare President Musharrafs tenure with earlier and present tenures.



Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Cherish Musharraf


View the Grass -Root deliverance, a difference between Musharraf Era and others his governance delivered where others failed !

Today we present few observations detailing the impact of General Musharrafs tenure, which modernized the lifestyle of our ordinary public, trying to give them a changed Pakistan. Observe how President Musharrafs era transformed an ordinary mans life to bring about a change easing the daily routine, interaction and business. This is a special contribution, by an ordinary patriotic Pakistani who saw a great change in Pakistan up to the years 2007-08.

View in Pictures: http://presidentmusharraf.wordpress.com/2010/03/17/cherish-musharraf/
