MariaAli Banned Aug 28, 2014 #1 Featured Thumbs
MADdoo Minister (2k+ posts) Aug 28, 2014 #4 This is the Biggest achievement in History of Pakistan. Imran khan made it possible.:alhamd: To be honest, without any external support. But all PMLNs will say this is all because of ISI (yapping)[hilar][hilar].
This is the Biggest achievement in History of Pakistan. Imran khan made it possible.:alhamd: To be honest, without any external support. But all PMLNs will say this is all because of ISI (yapping)[hilar][hilar].
sohnidhartie Minister (2k+ posts) Aug 28, 2014 #8 .........................................................
F farooqak Minister (2k+ posts) Aug 28, 2014 #9 This Talat Hussain is a big time liar No one trust his tweets please
R ranaji (50k+ posts) بابائے فورم Aug 28, 2014 #10 Khota Khota hota hai chahaay nooray saay 2 crore ruppia wasool kar lai DALALIIIIII kaaa