Will Saudi Arabia annex Kuwait????? The New Police Man of Middle EAST?



The ruling family of Kuwait came from Iraq and has Iranian roots. Kuwait was carved into a state due to the influence of Iranian culture hence a lot of Kuwaitis are of Iranian decent.

Saudi Arabia would like to keep Kuwait or annex the territory; if not the territory then at least through hegemony of its policy and what is happening now is we see an increase in Saudi hegemony in the Gulf, in Bahrain, and in Kuwait where there are Saudi arms and influence in Kuwaiti parliament - members pushing for Kuwait to be annexed and to form part of Saudi Arabia under the guise of a Gulf unity whereby Saudi Arabia would be the leader.

A number of members of parliament in Kuwait are Saudi agents basically and the Kuwait leadership has fear of this. In fact, last year one of the sources said that the foreign minister of Kuwait said in a private setting that the Saudi threat is the greatest threat against Kuwait. They want to annex us, they tried to invade us and Saudi Arabia holds part of Kuwait in the hands of Saudi forces basically occupying part of Kuwait.

The leadership therefore wants to balance Saudi pressure. Kuwait publicly said that they would not send forces to Bahrain in a way defying the Saudi campaign- they sent those forces privately instead, but did not publicly acknowledge it.

The Saudi monarchy has played this game for about 30 years of using the sectarian card and the ethnic card trying to distance the Persians and the Arabs; the Shia and Sunni divide they are also exploiting.

This is because the Saudi monarchy cannot survive in normal circumstances. Saudi Arabia has lost, in the past years, their influence in Lebanon and in Iraq and they are about to lose their influence in Yemen so they are holding dear to places like Bahrain and Kuwait. They hate the fact that Nasser Mohammad is the prime minister of Kuwait and in the past few years their agents in Kuwait have been trying to topple him because he happens to think that Iran is not an enemy of Kuwait.

US and Saudi Arabia are basically reading from the same sheet. The Saudi monarchy has built up a lot of influence in Washington DC through spreading its money around in Washington and in New York to receive favorable policy positions. And the policy position they have been able to so far sell is that Iran is a threat to World order.

Americans, even if they know the Saudi's are lying to them, when the money comes they are willing to come on board. So they like to get the money and work against Iran at the same time even at the cost of America lives.

Saudi Arabia now telling the US to leave this region to us, we're going to take care of it? Is there a rift or are they working together in cooperation whereby Saudi must get approvals or green lights from the US?
The US forgave Saudi Arabia for September 11 Terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, and again they looked the other way when hundreds of Saudi suicide bombers were killing American soldiers and civilians in addition to thousands of Iraqis in Iraq.

Here what we see in Yemen and in Bahrain is another indicator of how much the US is willing to look the other way - it's because the policymakers in the Pentagon and the State Department are benefitting themselves - to them it is a business proposition where they expect to get paid by the Saudis, even if it works against long term US interests, which we could take the case in Bahrain.

My Question would be after Bahrain, is Kuwait Next? What will take this Demonic Empire to stay within its confined desert boundaries? Or we are looking at a Scenario where Money and Strong Military Connection comes to be the big bully within the Middle East?
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

The ruling family of Kuwait came from Iraq and has Iranian roots. Kuwait was carved into a state due to the influence of Iranian culture hence a lot of Kuwaitis are of Iranian decent.

Saudi Arabia would like to keep Kuwait or annex the territory; if not the territory then at least through hegemony of its policy and what is happening now is we see an increase in Saudi hegemony in the Gulf, in Bahrain, and in Kuwait where there are Saudi arms and influence in Kuwaiti parliament - members pushing for Kuwait to be annexed and to form part of Saudi Arabia under the guise of a Gulf unity whereby Saudi Arabia would be the leader.

A number of members of parliament in Kuwait are Saudi agents basically and the Kuwait leadership has fear of this. In fact, last year one of the sources said that the foreign minister of Kuwait said in a private setting that the Saudi threat is the greatest threat against Kuwait. They want to annex us, they tried to invade us and Saudi Arabia holds part of Kuwait in the hands of Saudi forces basically occupying part of Kuwait.

The leadership therefore wants to balance Saudi pressure. Kuwait publicly said that they would not send forces to Bahrain in a way defying the Saudi campaign- they sent those forces privately instead, but did not publicly acknowledge it.

The Saudi monarchy has played this game for about 30 years of using the sectarian card and the ethnic card trying to distance the Persians and the Arabs; the Shia and Sunni divide they are also exploiting.

This is because the Saudi monarchy cannot survive in normal circumstances. Saudi Arabia has lost, in the past years, their influence in Lebanon and in Iraq and they are about to lose their influence in Yemen so they are holding dear to places like Bahrain and Kuwait. They hate the fact that Nasser Mohammad is the prime minister of Kuwait and in the past few years their agents in Kuwait have been trying to topple him because he happens to think that Iran is not an enemy of Kuwait.

US and Saudi Arabia are basically reading from the same sheet. The Saudi monarchy has built up a lot of influence in Washington DC through spreading its money around in Washington and in New York to receive favorable policy positions. And the policy position they have been able to so far sell is that Iran is a threat to World order.

Americans, even if they know the Saudi's are lying to them, when the money comes they are willing to come on board. So they like to get the money and work against Iran at the same time even at the cost of America lives.

Saudi Arabia now telling the US to leave this region to us, we're going to take care of it? Is there a rift or are they working together in cooperation whereby Saudi must get approvals or green lights from the US?
The US forgave Saudi Arabia for September 11 Terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, and again they looked the other way when hundreds of Saudi suicide bombers were killing American soldiers and civilians in addition to thousands of Iraqis in Iraq.

Here what we see in Yemen and in Bahrain is another indicator of how much the US is willing to look the other way - it's because the policymakers in the Pentagon and the State Department are benefitting themselves - to them it is a business proposition where they expect to get paid by the Saudis, even if it works against long term US interests, which we could take the case in Bahrain.

My Question would be after Bahrain, is Kuwait Next? What will take this Demonic Empire to stay within its confined desert boundaries? Or we are looking at a Scenario where Money and Strong Military Connection comes to be the big bully within the Middle East?

" The US forgave Saudi Arabia for September 11 Terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, and again they looked the other way when hundreds of Saudi suicide bombers were killing American soldiers and civilians in addition to thousands of Iraqis in Iraq."

yaar thats ridiculous. How can US forgive Saudia for 911 when CIA/Mossad are the one who concocted this mission.?

You are not making sense!!

There is only product that Saudia produces and that is OIL. Saudia will at all cost protect the ARAMCO and other oil fields and they better do it. If ARAMCO is blown up by terrorist, the whole world will plunge into total darkness for months until the damage is fixed.
As a whole, Americans will be less affected because they have oil in TX, WY, AK and can also get oil from Alberta in case of emergency.

The sore losers will be countries like Japan, China, Pakistan, India and southeast asian countries such as Korea, Vietnam, philipines etc. Total disruption of oil supply will create a havoc and anarchy, civil war, in these affected countries.

In this context, I am glad Saudia is doing it can to protect the oil factories. In case Saudia loses it, Iraq, kuwait, Iran and Venezuela will not be able to pick up the slack. .
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I dont think Saudi's will annexe Kuwait which is practically an American Protectorate after The fall of Saddam Hussain.Besides both Countries may have some minor differences but on the whole they have
very cordial relations with each other and are most pro American States in The Gulf.


I dont think Saudi's will annexe Kuwait which is practically an American Protectorate after The fall of Saddam Hussain.Besides both Countries may have some minor differences but on the whole they have
very cordial relations with each other and are most pro American States in The Gulf.

So how would you spell.. the Bahrain incident... those 1000 Strong Saudi Troop movement into Bahrain?