Why you should care?

Best summary I've come across of what ‪#‎panamapapers‬ means and why you should care

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
And Sad day for rest of the Pakistani nation that this thug, corrupt is our Prime Minister who hide illegal millions of corruption money.:(


What a proud moment for patwaris when their leader photo is shown on international media among most corrupt leaders of the world.




Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Other than PTI who else raised voice on this issue? This mean for most of Pakistanis corruption is not issue for them and also they give dame to the country.
Like during election, if Candidate give me Bike, or money, I don't care how much he is going to make after wining election. This mean when I took bribe for my vote I have no right to question my leader?


MPA (400+ posts)
Other than PTI who else raised voice on this issue? This mean for most of Pakistanis corruption is not issue for them and also they give dame to the country.
Like during election, if Candidate give me Bike, or money, I don't care how much he is going to make after wining election. This mean when I took bribe for my vote I have no right to question my leader?

Totally agreed... Thank you for being so blunt about it.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Other than PTI who else raised voice on this issue? This mean for most of Pakistanis corruption is not issue for them and also they give dame to the country.
Like during election, if Candidate give me Bike, or money, I don't care how much he is going to make after wining election. This mean when I took bribe for my vote I have no right to question my leader?

You summed up the mentality of this nation. I am a sucker for the development of my area. So I told the candidate that if you build roads and bring us Gas connections, I will give you the vote. What should we do? This is the sad reality of this country. We are killing our own people and yet we point fingers at Israel, India and U.S.A. We are OUR BIGGEST ENEMIES. We are annihilating ourselves!!!
