Why punjabi are so bad?Please explain


Senator (1k+ posts)

Originally Posted by Afraheem
Despite all sympathies with my fellow Punjabis, but have you ever think that why Punjab is more effected by Gas Shedding and Load Shedding and who is responsible behind it. If I say beside Federal Govt., its Shahbaz Sharif who is responsible for it. I am afraid I look like Raja Riaz (God Forbid) by blaming Shahbaz Sharif but unfortunately it is lack of vision of PML-N led Punjab Govt. because of which my province Punjab is suffering.

Please read below: PML-N signed 18th amendment with only one thing in its mind; the removal of ban on 3rd time premiership.PPP didn't have such compulsion as Benazir had passed away till that time.No other party in the parliament had any such compulsion either.Moreover, ANP had the major demand of renaming Sarhad province as Pakhtoonkhaw. MQM, Baloch and Sindhi nationalists had the demand of more provincial autonomy.In this perspective, 18th amendment was drafted.During this process Noon League compromised two big issues just for the sake of removing the ban on Nawaz Sharif becoming prime minister for the 3rd time.

One of those issues was renaming the Sarhad Province.PMLN yielded to the demand of ANP because the latter had threatened to not give vote against the ban on 3rd time premiership.This selfishness and near-sightedness of Noon League gave birth to Hazara Sooba, Sriaki Sooba and now Mohajir Sooba movements.The Noon mafia didn't propose the names like 'Pakhtoonkhaw Hazara' or 'Haraza PakhtoonKhaw'.Instead they were advocating for 'Abaseen' and 'Khyber' which were not acceptable to ANP.Noon League duffers couldn't even learn from PPP who had very cleverly made the nothern areas into a new province with the name Gilgit Baltistan.This name represents both the languages of nothern areas - the balti language and the gilgiti language.

The second selfishness/near-sightedness of Noon League was that it agreed in 18th amendment that a resource(s) will be used first up by the province that produces it.When the requirement of that province will be met, only then it will allow the other province to use that resource(s).Principally speaking, the logic is correct.But when you look in Pakistan's perspective, it should have been implemented in two or 3 phases over a period of 5 years.This would have given time to a province to look for the alternatives if it lacked in a certain resource.

Now, due to this, Punjab is facing more loadshedding of gas and electricity as compared to other provinces.Gas is primarily found in Balochistan and Sindh.So, 18th amendment gives SSGPL right to have more gas at its disposal to give to Sindh industry.On the other hand, SNGPL has less gas at its disposal (because Punjab produces little gas) due to which industry in Faisalabad and Lahore is severely affected.As far as electricity is concerned, it is being produced using three resources namely water, gas and furnace oil.Hydro electricity is produced by Kashmir (Mangla Dam) and KPK (Tarbela Dam).Punjab and Sindh produce electricity through gas and furnace oil.Since Sindh is providing gas to thermal plants situated in Punjab and Sindh, so it is getting more share from the electricity.On the other hand, Punjab has no other choice but to rely on furnace oil to produce electricity which is a very costly deal.Since federal govt has not paid the circular debt, so the IPPs in Punjab are not importing furnace oil in due amount, resulting in very less production of electricity from their plants.As a result, there is more loashedding in Punjab as compared to Sindh or KPK


Scorpian[/URL said:
856424]Dear, its the right of the people of Baluchhistan and Sindh,,,,,Every province should have right on their minerals and other stuff,,,,,,,,,,,Was it justifiable that Elect was with Federal (bcz it produce in kpk),,,,Wheat, Kapas was Punjab,,,,,,,,,if you say that wheat and kapas is different from Electricity,,,,I aggree but what do you think,,,,whether Tobacco should be federal or punjab,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,????...It was with federal because it produce in KPK,,,,ye kia logic hain,,,,is waja se loog punjab se nafrat karte hain per,,,,,

عرض ہے جناب بات کیا ہو رہی ہے اور آپ کیا فرما رے ہیں یہ آرٹیکل اس بات کو بیان کر رہ ہے کے میاں صاحب نے اپنے مفاد کے لیے اتنا بھی نہ سوچا کے یہ ترمیم کے بعد پنجاب بجلی کہاں سے لاۓ گا
یہاں کوئی بھی بات اس پہلو پر نہیں ہو رہی کے پختونخوا یا بلوچستان یا سندھ کو ان کا حق نہ ملے کوئی مسلہ پیدا کرنے سے پہلے اس کا حل تلاش کرکے رکھ لیا جاتا تاکے آج جو عوام سڑکوں پر آ کر ان کی شان بیان کر رہی ہے وہ نہ ہوتا اور گزارش ہے کے غور اور فکر کیا کریں بات کرنے سے پہلے سوچ لینا عقلمندوں کی نشانی ہے اور جہاں تک نفرت کا سوال ہے جناب تو پنجابیوں کے دل بہت بڑا ہے ہم پنجاب میں کسی کو اس لیے نہیں مارتے یا تکلیف دیتے کے وہ ہم سے نفرت کرتا ہے یہ باقی صوبوں کے لوگوں کا کام ہے کے سیاتستدانو کے اپنے مفاد کے لیے دیے گے بیانات پر وہ اپنے ہموطن کا گلا کاٹنے پر آمادہ ہو جاتا ہے اس چیز کی گواہ تاریخ ہے کے ہم پنجابیوں کے ساتھ سب نے ظلم کیا پر ہم خاموش ہیں اگر آپ کے ساتھ کوئی ظلم ہوا ہے تو وہ ظلم آپ کے منتخب نمائندہ حکمرانو نے کیا ہے جو اپنا پیٹ بھرتے ہوے نہیں سوچتے کے یہ مال پنجابی ہے یا سندھی یا بلوچی یا پٹھان ہے اور اسٹیبلشمنٹ بھی پنجابی یا کوئی اور صوبے کی نہیں ہوتی وہ صرف اپنا مفادہ دیکھتی ہے اس کے سامنے نواز ہو بھٹو ہو یا میر ظفر جمالی یا ایوب کے سامنے فاطمه جناح اپنی ناہلی کو پنجابیوں کے سر منڈ کر آپ اپنے فرض سے بھاگ نہیں سکتے اگلی دفعہ کوئی آپ کو پنجابیوں کے بڑے میں نفرت آمیز بات کرے تو سوچ اور فکر کرنے کا بعد تنیجہ نکالنا کے ایک عام پنجابی کا کیا قصور ہے اس کا لہو بھی لال ہے اس کو بھی بھوک لگتی ہے اس کے بچے بھی بھوکے مر رے ہیں لیکن سندھیوں کی لائی کی ہوئی جماعت سے سندھیوں کو کبھی گالی نہیں دی بلور کی وجہ سے ریلوے برباد ہوئی پر پٹھانو کو برا بھلا نہیں کہا بلوچی جج کے لیے لانگ مارچ ہم نے اس کا دومیسل دیکھ کر نہیں کیا تھا میربانی آپ کی اگلی دفعہ سوچ سمجھ کر کچھ لکھا کریں

After reading this "scorpian" post I really wonder are we such Community ?
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MPA (400+ posts)
Originally Posted by Afraheem

After reading this "scorpian" post I really wonder are we such Community ?

I dont see anything in these mesgs which should brand punjabis bad or anything to that effect...... i understand that when the resources were the federal govt subject they were distributed unevenly......... after 18th amendment it is not the case...... small provinces are getting their due right to some extent............

but the thing is that Punjab signed the 18th amendment so view of one or a few persons couldn’t change the fact that punjab was part of the mechanism that help give justice to rest of the provinces....... dayer ayad durust ayad…….


Senator (1k+ posts)
I dont see anything in these mesgs which should brand punjabis bad or anything to that effect...... i understand that when the resources were the federal govt subject they were distributed unevenly......... after 18th amendment it is not the case...... small provinces are getting their due right to some extent............

but the thing is that Punjab signed the 18th amendment so view of one or a few persons couldn’t change the fact that punjab was part of the mechanism that help give justice to rest of the provinces....... dayer ayad durust ayad…….

my whole argument is based on this line (
is waja se loog punjab se nafrat karte hain
why they hate ???????????????????? please explain about hatred with reason and facts not personal opinion


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
سات سو میگا واٹ بجلی پنجاب کی کے ایس سی کو دی ہے جو کنڈا چوری میں استمال ہو رہی ہے پنجاب میں بیس بیس گھنٹے بجلی نہیں لیکن کسی پنجابی نے عتراض نہیں کیا ..جنوبی پنجاب کے حصے کا پانی سندھ کو دے دیا کسی پنجابی نے عتراض نہیں کیا انڈیا کے ساتھ جنگوں میں سیالکوٹ لاہور گجرات شیخپورا کے لوگ گھر سے بے گھر ہوگئے دو ہزار دو میں بجوات سیکٹر پر میرا کزن شہید ہوگیا عام شہری تھا انڈین فوج کی گولہ باری سے سو کے قریب دیہات خالی ہوگئے جانور بھوک سے مر گئے کسی پنجابی نے عتراض نہیں کیا .چونڈہ سکٹر پر انیس پینسٹھ میں لوگ بم باندھ کر ٹینکوں کے نیچے لیٹ گیۓ اور پاکستان کی حفاظت کی کسی پنجابی نے عتراض نہیں کیا ..پہلےایوب خان بھٹو مشرف سب کو اپنا آقا بنایا کسی پنجابی نے اعترض نہیں کیا الطاف پورے پنجاب میں جہاں چاہے جلسہ کر سکتا ہے کسی پنجابی کو کوئی عتراض نہیں


All three small provinces always complained that Punjab is eating their resources. But in 18th amendment Shabaz Sharif gave them more than their share. . It was not a popular decision in Punjab but for a country it was a good decision. This time no other province blame Punjabis for their own created mess.

Shabaz Sharif is a chief minister but he did not hesitate to share resources with other brothers of Pakistan. But Zardari Government is always talking against Punjab and Punjabis. Punjab is paying more price in terms of load shedding because PPP government is taking revenge with Punjabis for not voting them into power.

Zardari wants to split Punjab into unlimited pieces but when it comes to Sindh he totally refused to listen anyone.


Senator (1k+ posts)
90000 fauji pakistan bachate huwe sarender ker gaye is per bhi kici panjabi neh kuch nahi kaha in 90000 hazar faujion ke sath larne wale aaj bhi bangladesh meh pakistan ka percham lagaye huwe zillat ki zindagi guzar rahe hen lekin is per bhi panjabion neh kuch nahi kaha karachi hayderabad balochistan her jaga paolice station meh panjab ke log hen muqami kion nahi is per bhi panjabion neh kuch nahi kaha sub gaddaron ke sertificates panjab se hi kion issue hute hen is ke bare me bhi kuch nahi kaha panjab ke under aam gareeb panjabion ki halat kharab hai is ke bare meh bhi panjabion neh kuch nahi kaha.aur jab tak yeh panjab nahi uth khara huga jab tak is mulk ki halat nahi badle gi lekin panjabi ban ker nahi pakistani ban ker uthna huga qanoon ki hukmurani kerni hugi or kerwani hugi aur yeh sub panjab ke hath meh hai pakistan zindabad pakistani zindabad:pakistan-flag-wavin:You_Rock_Emoticon:pakistan:pakistan-flag-wavin


Minister (2k+ posts)
no one says that punjab is bad ! my lovly part of beloved pakistan where our dear brothers n sisters live.we blame just establishment who used other provinces rights n resources in punjab.unfortunatly most of them punjabies in establishment ! now punjab is surreing bcoz of n leage ,too incompetant rulers in punjab ever !


Senator (1k+ posts)
90000 fauji pakistan bachate huwe sarender ker gaye is per bhi kici panjabi neh kuch nahi kaha in 90000 hazar faujion ke sath larne wale aaj bhi bangladesh meh pakistan ka percham lagaye huwe zillat ki zindagi guzar rahe hen lekin is per bhi panjabion neh kuch nahi kaha karachi hayderabad balochistan her jaga paolice station meh panjab ke log hen muqami kion nahi is per bhi panjabion neh kuch nahi kaha sub gaddaron ke sertificates panjab se hi kion issue hute hen is ke bare me bhi kuch nahi kaha panjab ke under aam gareeb panjabion ki halat kharab hai is ke bare meh bhi panjabion neh kuch nahi kaha.aur jab tak yeh panjab nahi uth khara huga jab tak is mulk ki halat nahi badle gi lekin panjabi ban ker nahi pakistani ban ker uthna huga qanoon ki hukmurani kerni hugi or kerwani hugi aur yeh sub panjab ke hath meh hai pakistan zindabad pakistani zindabad:pakistan-flag-wavin:You_Rock_Emoticon:pakistan:pakistan-flag-wavin

لوگوں کی جاہلیت پر ترس اتا ہے اور حق بات کرنے سے پتا نہیں کیوں ان کا پتہ پانی ہوتا ہے جناب ١٩٧١ کے الیکشن میں کس نۓ اکثریت پارٹی کو روکا تھا اقتدار میں انے سے بھٹو 81 سیٹ اور مجیب 160 سیٹ کے ساتھ الیکشن جیتا تھا اب اس میں پنجابیوں کا کیا قصور کے ایک سندھی نۓ اقتدار بنگالی کونہ دیا
اگر آپ کی یاداشت کام کرتی ہو تو نواز نۓ کچھ لوگ میاں چنو میں لا کر بسایے بھی تھے آپ کے لیڈر کو تو کبھی توفیق نہیں ہوئی الطاف باجی تو صرف پردے میں رہنے دو پردہ نا اٹھاؤ گاتی رہی اور جناب آپ کے منہ سے قانون لفظ اچھا نہیں لگتا پنجاب تو اٹھ کھڑا ہوا ہے عمران خان کے ساتھ آپ اپنی باجی سے کب پرمیشن لے رے ہیں او ہاں یاد آیا آپ کو سوچنے کی پرمیشن نہیں ہے اگر عقل سے کچھ سوچا تو بوری میں پیک ہو جاؤ گے


MPA (400+ posts)
Cataloging the War-Crimes of Punjabis...

لوگوں کی جاہلیت پر ترس اتا ہے اور حق بات کرنے سے پتا نہیں کیوں ان کا پتہ پانی ہوتا ہے جناب ١٩٧١ کے الیکشن میں کس نۓ اکثریت پارٹی کو روکا تھا اقتدار میں انے سے بھٹو 81 سیٹ اور مجیب 160 سیٹ کے ساتھ الیکشن جیتا تھا اب اس میں پنجابیوں کا کیا قصور کے ایک سندھی نۓ اقتدار بنگالی کونہ دیا

If you really want to know why Punjabis are hated you have to read history on an impartial basis. Bhutto was a Sindhi (and I have no sympathy for Sindhis) but he was hand-picked by the Punjabi establishment to represent West Pakistan. In fact Bhutto was groomed by Ayub Khan the dictator who shifted the capital to Punjab to divide Pakistan and to create a Punjabi majority Pakistan. In 1971 the military leadership of Yahya Khan acted hand-in-glove with Bhutto and allowed him to go to the UN where Bhutto tore up the Poland resolution which could have saved East Pakistan. Before that when the Army operation commenced in East Pakistan on 25 Mar 1971 the General who started it, Tikka Khan was a close friend of Bhutto. Even before that the Governor of East Pakistan General Sahibzada Yaqub Khan ( a Mohajir from Rampur, UP) had refused to be part of the operation and had left his command when ordered by dictator Yahya Khan. We Mohajirs have a proud history of not only sacrificing for the creation of Pakistan but also in keeping Pakistan together when the situation demanded it.

If you take 1971 alone dictator Yahya Khan had a reputation for remaining drunk, swapping his wife with other Punjabi Generals (like General Hamid), cavorting with the singer Nur Jehan , showing disregard for the human rights of other Pakistanis and Muslims and being incompetent even as a dictator which resulted in the failure of the Pakistani state and the fall of Dhaka.

But if you take Pakistan's history as a whole, Punjabi security officers have a record of committing war-crimes in East Pakistan, Sind, Karachi, KPK, Balochistan and then by escaping prosecution by running away to Punjab or the USA or the UK. An example is the former Corps Commander of Karachi the mass-murderer and rapist Nasir Akhtar who is hiding in Sahiwal, Punjab at the moment. Now do you understand why people hate Punjabis?


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Lekin iss sb me ghareeb punjabi ka kia kasoor he...keh uss se nafrat ki jay aor dosray provinces me uss ko maar dia jay. yaar ham sb pakistani hen aor ham ko aik dosray se unite rehna chahiay aor iss trah ke debate ko bi avoid krna chahiay ho hatred create krti hen...Mulki haalaat iss kabil nhi keh iss trah ki debates ki jain. For God sake think and delete this thread or stop commenting on it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
@ Classof71,
Being really impartial you are still whitewashing a lot of history. Bhutto went against Ayub Khan and historically he can't be said to be groomed by Ayub for ruling the country. Punjab suffers because it represents Federation and any anger at federation translates it self to Punjab bashing. Secondly Army is thought to be mainly composed of Punjabis which means Punjab gets blamed for Army actions. Now you are blaming Punjab for actions of Bhutto, Ayub and Yahya which is strange since all these people operated against each other at times.

Still the real issue is why would people hate Punjabi public in general rather then offending politicians or Army generals?


MPA (400+ posts)
90000 fauji pakistan bachate huwe sarender ker gaye is per bhi kici panjabi neh kuch nahi kaha in 90000 hazar faujion ke sath larne wale aaj bhi bangladesh meh pakistan ka percham lagaye huwe zillat ki zindagi guzar rahe hen lekin is per bhi panjabion neh kuch nahi kaha karachi hayderabad balochistan her jaga paolice station meh panjab ke log hen muqami kion nahi is per bhi panjabion neh kuch nahi kaha sub gaddaron ke sertificates panjab se hi kion issue hute hen is ke bare me bhi kuch nahi kaha panjab ke under aam gareeb panjabion ki halat kharab hai is ke bare meh bhi panjabion neh kuch nahi kaha.aur jab tak yeh panjab nahi uth khara huga jab tak is mulk ki halat nahi badle gi lekin panjabi ban ker nahi pakistani ban ker uthna huga qanoon ki hukmurani kerni hugi or kerwani hugi aur yeh sub panjab ke hath meh hai pakistan zindabad pakistani zindabad:pakistan-flag-wavin:You_Rock_Emoticon:pakistan:pakistan-flag-wavin

sir ji bangladesh (east pakistan) mein sab sindhi/patha/balochi/bengali officers/jawan thy?? punjabi bhi thy sir ... my uncle got SHAHADAT and he was from GUJRAT ,another uncle (father;s czn) fot SHAHADAT 71's war he was also from GUJRAT PUNJAB ... his father always said HIS SON died FOR PAKISTAN and CREATOR OF PAKISTAN(ALLAH) need MY SON so no worry but I NEED MY SON's DEAD BODY ...
