Why Partition happened


Siasat.pk - Blogger
plz post why bangladesh was separated it will help us more to learn a lesson

Pakistan was created based on religion .

Bangladesh based on rights of that particular area....

if you want to prove that bangladesh creation was failure of pakistani birth then you are wrong...
but if you say that it was failure of our govt and policies then you may be right ....


Minister (2k+ posts)
plz post why bangladesh was separated it will help us more to learn a lesson[/QUOTE No need for a post it was simply a propaganda from Indian Hindu with the help of USSR+USA and some local traitors..............Now the same work in doing by MQM....Try to find out from 90.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Only Modudi dont know about this...

Deobandi dont know about this...

Molana Azad dont know about this....

Shame on them , they call themselves Alim e deen.


Sir You are wrong .. there is a difference between concept of Islam and Musalman.. do I need to explain you the difference??????

Now tell me if Pakistan was made for Islam, why do we have part of our Flag White?

Sir jeeee... mental concept is required.... if you understand what I am saying ...the whole Zia ul Haq Pakistan ideology theory fail on its own feet.

Remember, Pakistan was not made by Mullahs ..... it was created by people with strong vision.

Pakistan was created based on religion .

Bangladesh based on rights of that particular area....

if you want to prove that bangladesh creation was failure of pakistani birth then you are wrong...
but if you say that it was failure of our govt and policies then you may be right ....


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I would not give an Iota's worth value to an MQM supporter's comments they are just a bunch of cheap rentals like their party, willing to sell themselves to anyone.

The name for them is POW (Pujari Online Workers)

Pakistan's creation was the greatest thing in history, if you do not like its creation then go to London and never come back to Pakistan like your leader, or alternatively go to India.
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Siasat.pk - Blogger
Sir You are wrong .. there is a difference between concept of Islam and Musalman.. do I need to explain you the difference??????

Now tell me if Pakistan was made for Islam, why do we have part of our Flag White?

Sir jeeee... mental concept is required.... if you understand what I am saying ...the whole Zia ul Haq Pakistan ideology theory fail on its own feet.

Remember, Pakistan was not made by Mullahs ..... it was created by people with strong vision.

Well SIR...we have white part of flag to represent the minorities in our country which were to be dealt with as per guidance of islam living in a muslim country .

as far as your comments about zia are concerned ...hid ideology started in 1980 but if you can put more pressure on you brain you will find out that pakistan was created in 47...

it was not created for mullas or by mullas but people have supported mullas for many years to reach to todays position.

lastly ...yes pakistan was created for muslim specially for muslim of india...many came here ....many got bangladesh and many are still struggling to make few more states in india.


Sir jeee.... your wording looks very harsh and insulting ... Word like "Dealt with" is used for slaves and non human species. Remember non Muslims Pakistani are not second class citizen. they have the same rights. Start to be respectful or else Sikh diaspora is not too far off.

As for Islamic guidance under Constitution of Pakistan .... give me proof????

You do confess that Mullah were against Pakistan and its leaders ... and then you say people supporting mullahs .. tell me how many seats do mullah have and how much positive contribution have they done for Pakistan beside producing army of suicidal bombers.

The most interesting twist you come out in your last line .. seems to be creation of India and Pakistan then your statement about Bangladesh then you jump onto India Separatist movement and very suddenly shun your head into sand regarding separatist movement in Pakistan. Why did you not mention killings in Pakistan, the hate between various religious groups, political and ISI involvement in killing of Journalist.

Well SIR...we have white part of flag to represent the minorities in our country which were to be dealt with as per guidance of islam living in a muslim country .

as far as your comments about zia are concerned ...hid ideology started in 1980 but if you can put more pressure on you brain you will find out that pakistan was created in 47...

it was not created for mullas or by mullas but people have supported mullas for many years to reach to todays position.

lastly ...yes pakistan was created for muslim specially for muslim of india...many came here ....many got bangladesh and many are still struggling to make few more states in india.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Well there are many independence movements going on in India, that surely means their secularism is a farce and a failure!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Sir You are wrong .. there is a difference between concept of Islam and Musalman.. do I need to explain you the difference??????

Now tell me if Pakistan was made for Islam, why do we have part of our Flag White?

Sir jeeee... mental concept is required.... if you understand what I am saying ...the whole Zia ul Haq Pakistan ideology theory fail on its own feet.

Remember, Pakistan was not made by Mullahs ..... it was created by people with strong vision.

Agar Hazoor(PBUH) or khulfa rashdeen k door ma islmaic system tha or us ma jew, christian sab rehty thy to us concept k lihaz Pakistan ma minorities ko haq dia gya ha....
secondly only muslims of india demand separate country because of two nation theory... none of other in india demand it....

correct your facts...thnx


I totally agree with you ... Only Moderate Muslims of India push for Two nation theory. Mullah party was totally against the very concept of Pakistan.
Todate they are.

I agree with you. ;)

Agar Hazoor(PBUH) or khulfa rashdeen k door ma islmaic system tha or us ma jew, christian sab rehty thy to us concept k lihaz Pakistan ma minorities ko haq dia gya ha....
secondly only muslims of india demand separate country because of two nation theory... none of other in india demand it....

correct your facts...thnx
