I read this article and could not find anything new. It is same old story of muslim downfall and same type of statement, which we are tired off reading but nobody, I mean muslim, is willing to follow the islamic philosophy to be implemented in their lives but delivering speeches to others.The Muslims will not be put in leading role in this world unless they will not get rid of sham ruling classes who are exploiting the muslims for their vested interests and keeping the muslims illiterate.
This type of articles, speeches and preachers has no meaning unless we can devise a true muslim society as per education of Islam but not present distorted concept of Islam imposed by so called self-spelled Islam by the scholars and maulavies. If we can realize that a true muslim society is to be established and put a practicle example of muslim society in front of the other world (non-muslims) then it may be possible otherwise just writing, speaking and preaching cannot produce any result.