A Allah o Akbar_ Banned Mar 27, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-photos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-0/p370x247/12920529_1689314694675342_4485005295952265209_n.jpg?oh=b79daf1cc223e64899994af81211f108&oe=5783F31E&__gda__=1468300751_76baf35cfa0faa00e0ac7f1dbf25d4b3
T teknikel Minister (2k+ posts) Mar 27, 2016 #2 Re: Imran khan what did with him, Moin Khan shares an interesting event Mashallah Imran Khan sahib
A Allah o Akbar_ Banned Mar 27, 2016 #3 If command not fit then team's condition worsens, says Moin Khan
K kakamana Minister (2k+ posts) Mar 27, 2016 #4 Re: If command not fit then team's condition worsens, says Moin Khan Yea command will be "fit" only if one will go to a pub for "dinner" and lost money in gambling right?
Re: If command not fit then team's condition worsens, says Moin Khan Yea command will be "fit" only if one will go to a pub for "dinner" and lost money in gambling right?
دوسرا_سوال Minister (2k+ posts) Mar 27, 2016 #6 Zabardast. This proves everything. That's it. Now some please, please make IK the CEO if universe so things can be put in order. Someone please!!
Zabardast. This proves everything. That's it. Now some please, please make IK the CEO if universe so things can be put in order. Someone please!!