Why Bye election results do not matter much for PTI and Imran Khan in its revolutionary struggle fo


Minister (2k+ posts)
PTI and Imran Khan represent a desire for change and current bye election results do not alter in any manner that desire resident in the heart of populace at large .

Who are the supporters of PTI and why do they support it ?. This is important in understanding before one can reject the media propaganda that PTI has taken a beating in the bye elections.

The overseas Pakistanis these days support mainly PTI though there are small pockets for both Nawaz and PPP still in existance. The reason is clear , first he is a modern man , someone like them with whom they can identify , someone who believes in action and result and despite a small tilt to Pashtunism he is still a Lahori Paksitani for most.This unlikely character - i.e a playful cricketer- has built the most sophisticated scientific insitutions and that is his main medal - i.e ability to do things. Bye elections results cannot change that and their hopes cannot be transferred to Fazal ur Rahman or Zardari who in their life time so far have done little to satisfy them as to their respective capabilities to do anything worthwhile for that matter.

The educated youth belonging to higher classes support PTI , the educated classes take PTI and Imran as their icon of rebellion against status quo . This phenomenon is spread all over urban areas of Pakistan and every body knows that when youth acts upon a project nothing can stop it . Here in the form of Shehbaz Sharif there sure is present a rival of Imran Khan but shebaz is regarded as old order , nearly but not yet fully stale. The problem with educated children especially sons and daughters of educated fathers is that urban areas and their administrations and their powerful jobs have gone via feudal democracy to relatively less educated villager class often with fake degrees or low educational input. Democracy in Pakistan has ousted urban elite class from decision making jobs. There is offcourse an element of fancy too , PTI to them sounds a romantic idea and new fresh idea and that has not changed in the bye elections and defeat of PMLN on a seat previously with Shehbaz is more important than defeat of PTI in Peshawar as no party cannot win power of Pakistan without winning Lahore . Bhutto won Lahore and won Pakistan with hardly any presence in NWFP ( Now KPK). So there is no reason for PTI to worry about Peshawar in over all context of futuristic power atleast.

The third group which forms the core of PTI is the ethnic Pathan , wherever he is , be it in Rawalpindi , or Saraiki belt or KPK or Karachi or elsewhere. Pashtoons are of two types as far as politicking is concerned and it is amazing that Imran and PTI has solid presence in both . The rural pathan wants a person to bring peace and represent them at a high level , something denied to them since resignation of Ghulam Ishaq Khan, an ethnic based support that is . The Urban Pashtoon is worried most , the PPP-ANP-Kiani Axis could not bring even a semblance of peace and urban Pashtoons are migrating in large numbers towards Punjab , ask any property dealer and he will tell confirm this .

An overcrowded , high birth rate, job scarce region the KPK needs leaders with wider agenda and wider vision and wider playing field , they sided with jinnah and not Bacha Khan and pashtoon benefited tremendously from economic oppertunities of Pakistan with freedom to settle , work every where and PTI is another pan Pakistan force which can make such environment of oppertunities for all to continue . The current defeat at Peshawar means not much for PTI as the person standing from PTI was not Imran Khan and all forces were united against it and also since Chief minister of KPK was seen more of an old order , this could not have helped and it did not . Hopefully next CM of KPK will be more attractive a person and politician and be not addicted to anything .

The battle of PTI for power needs either a foot hold in Punjab and PMLN as long as Shebaz has reins will not make it easier or else PTI needs an presidential system of government where president can be directly elected . This means a new constitution and new judicial setup is to be campaigned for and is worth it . Current constitution of Pakistan was meant to benefit political class and has made then a super caste , it was meant to benefit centrifugal regionalistic politicians and country is on its edge, and it was to help civil service and judiciary making them beyond the reach of reproach especially judiciary which needs some serious reforms and accountability clauses .

As seen in possibly rigged election of May 2013 , the judiciary was seen by some as even trying to deny imran Khan a position as opposition leader by denying him any timely review of polling result complaints when the overall result was very narrow between PPP and PTI in national assembly .
Short of a presidential system and new top to bottom judiciary which is to again conduct elections of the future , a change is not possible . Current judiciary is largely politically nominated over the last 20 years , there cannot be a clear PTI win as adversarial vested interest forces are not trivial.Judiciary is full of PPP , PMLN and even Jamaat and other political party beneficiaries. Till some years back only 10% of judges of a high court were from cadre judges , most of the rest were political or semipolitical nominees .

The bye election results do not represent anything or much of important in the revolutionary struggle of Imran Khan and next battle is on 28th in the Supreme court representing status quo forces . If he can bring 50000 protesting workers and make a good unbending strategy it will remove all misgiving about bye elections and as to who is the lord of the streets of Pakistan !. This is what decides the fate of revolution and revolutions, not tortous 90% false statements prepared by double gamer lawyers whose sole assignement is to make Imran bow , bow and bow more and submit apologies upon apologieseeven though it is the judiciary which is at fault and needs serious leglislation to regulate it as indicated in my other threads.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Shaikh. let me get back after having dinner and read the aricle

You are one of my favourite writers here on this forum. You should write more often.

See you later

mehar ali

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Do you want to say something like Tahir ul Qadri revolution that is always stated by Imran Khan '' Tahir ul Qadri is right '' ???


Minister (2k+ posts)
ik won 3 out of 4, only beaten in lahore through grand "dhandli"; but if you look at the direction pti i s gearing up for, you against pti wll have sleepless nghts, actually i predicted 6 months before elections, that pti don't want and will not win this election, they targeted next term, ppp gon, in five years nooras will have the same fate, because of the state country is in, pti will have it on a plate, if pti dont win the next term ik is gone, as i predict , ik will retire o a winning note, and asad umar will be the next man who takes over from ik;)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
PTI lost two seats due to imran's idiotic and egoistic decisions regarding tickets.

Asad Umar also attributed these losses to bad decisions in allocating the tickets in these constituencies but the big question is why are they making the same mistakes after the results in the last general elections? If PMLn made these mistakes then you could attribute it to complacency after they sweept the elections but what is PTI's excuse?
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Imran Khan's inexperienced and doesn't know how to play the game. He keeps making mistakes all the damn time and doesn't learn from them. And his party people are a bunch of fan boys/girls who are always jacking up his brain and not letting him make the right decisions. This just goes to show that Honesty alone does NOT make a great leader. You can be the most honest man on the planet, but if you cannot make the right choices and all the right moves, then you are a lousy leader.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Imran Khan's inexperienced and doesn't know how to play the game. He keeps making mistakes all the damn time and doesn't learn from them. And his party people are a bunch of fan boys/girls who are always jacking up his brain and not letting him make the right decisions. This just goes to show that Honesty alone does NOT make a great leader. You can be the most honest man on the planet, but if you cannot make the right choices and all the right moves, then you are a lousy leader.
Excellent comments should be mailed to IK.
Still I support Khan because he is the best of all the leaders


Minister (2k+ posts)
its so funny cing NOORA PPP JUI F and ANP ppl r enjoying the victory of bilore .. he is the same guy who destroys railways ... he is the same guy who try to bring the bill though his party to celebrate independence day on 15th august with india instead of pakistan in 2011 ... i wonder how such a person who don't even believe in pakistan and think india is his country is been cheered by all parties :-s


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
My dear PTI is finished. Bilour has ripped PTI apart :lol:
Noora league was saying the same thing about PPP as well.PTI is the second largest party so how can you say its finished ?.These elections
have very little consequence for PTI.PTI must rectify the mistakes made during party elections and allocation of tickets.PTI must also make concerted efforts to organise itself in Sindh and Baluchistan.The future belongs to PTI.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
its so funny cing NOORA PPP JUI F and ANP ppl r enjoying the victory of bilore .. he is the same guy who destroys railways ... he is the same guy who try to bring the bill though his party to celebrate independence day on 15th august with india instead of pakistan in 2011 ... i wonder how such a person who don't even believe in pakistan and think india is his country is been cheered by all parties :-s
They are not cheering bilore's win. They are celebrating PTI's loss, when a Guy like Bilore even beats them so easily.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Do you think it is easy enough for IK and PTI to push for presidential setup in the current scenario?

What is the procedure to come up with such suggestion?


Councller (250+ posts)
Baba haroon ur Rasheed should be taken care of an establishment whore. General election se chand din peley he demorolised pti workers iss ne wo rolla dala ke khuda ki panah aur byelection se pelay phir wohi harkat kerne ki koshish ki iss ko shut up call ki zaroorat hai laikan pti ko kuch serious cleasing bi kerni perh gi.
