Why Blame On MQM? ??? ??? ??? ?? ????? ?????


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
[funnny] [funnny] [funnny]


Senator (1k+ posts)
In order to keep the record right, I want to draw your attention toward the following facts:

- the privileged class launched a movement against the popular leadership of Bhutto in 1977. It was completely sponsored by the foreign elements whose interests were to eliminate the leadership in the world who challenged their imperial role and organize a popular movement against their interests. In that occasion they used their partners (privileged classes) of Pakistan who mostly represent the urban areas of the Pakistan. The leadership of these urban centers particularly of Karachi and Hyderabad was dominated by the religious parties (jamiat Islami and JUP).

- it is evident that these religious groups won about all the seats of these urban centers and then they start agitation against Bhutto for so-called rigging on the instructions of their bosses. The movement was confined to these two cities only for about 1 1/2 month from where these privileged religious class won all the cities.

- when they were not getting support from any of the other part of the country representing the lower class, then the foreign bosses planned to start agitation in Lahore and they sent peoples of these parties to Lahore to start agitation their. They financed and supplied big money to do it. The flow of dollars in that movement was so evident that the dollars value was went down against Pakistanis rupee.
_ when they start agitation in Lahore at the end of April by theses conspirators and foreign funded religious parties, the establishment came to play their due role in accordance to the plan to dislodge the Bhutto by the army.

- after dislodging Bhutto the establishment was of the view that now in future they can't use these religious parties against the popular movements, as the peoples were fed up with their slogan of "Islam". They start to find some other slogan and new groups to organize to crush any future popular movement and in this connection they finalized to launch an ethnic grouping in the urban centers. They worked on different peoples to create that group and many seasonal and patriotic Urdu speaking leaders refused to become the part of that conspiracy and finally they selected Altaf for that purpose. They worked with them and simultaneously on the Sindhi nationalist to support to create and enforce the ethnic Urdu speaking party. The first training of this group was done by the ISI and G M Syed. When after the training the group first demonstrated its strength at quaid Mazar in 1978-79 by burning Pakistan flag.

- the establishment arrested and then he was freed and sent to USA for further training and organization. The Establishment launched the party in 1986-87 at the eve of return of Benazir Bhutto to Pakistan to lead the popular movement and to show the strength and aspiration of the oppressed peoples of the country.

_ after its launching they are playing the role of the agent of the establishment and privileged classes with the sole object to divide and crush any popular peoples movement. It is evident from the role they played against the "No confidence" motion against Benazir Bhutto being the partner in the government. after the defeat in assembly they created a big and brutal operation in Karachi and Hyderabad with the help of the establishment to destabilize Benazir government and then they played each elected government to whom they always were the partners.

- as far as the so-called operation against MQM by the establishment is concerned it is on the record that there were a fight in between the MQM on the distribution of the "Bhatta" and Altaf want to get rid of some of them. He with the collaboration with establishment launched operation against him opponent and left Pakistan just before the operation direct from the Abbasi Hospital as per his planning of the operation. From that day he never visited back on the instruction of the establishment and the foreign powers who want him to be alive to achieve their objectives.

- most of the poor peoples are now the hostages of the brutal force of MQM and they live like slaves there. From the creation till now the real face of MQM is exposed to everyone and no sincere element in the county support them.

- as far the murders of the peoples in the operation 1992 against MQM is concerned, it is noted that they never launched any FIR or conducted any enquiry for that while they were and are in the government all the times. It is enough to establish that the operation 1992 was carried out by the establishment and Altaf together.


New Member
Few people so called mohajir. MQM is different and Urdu speaking are different. So please please do not use the name of Urdu speaking are true Pakistani and Muslim but MQM is party of thug, criminals, murderers,blackmailer,thieves, disbelievers,and Indian agents.So please next time do not count Urdu speaking as mohajir or MQM. thanks
