PTV attack - Realty
General Manager PTV is involved on PTV one from outside can know where to switch off the is GM PTV who have the control and it was PTV people who did this. Everything was scripted by PMLn. It was exactly the time when Islamabad Police disappeared and the few PMLn Gullu's entered into PTV of course some Dharna people also followed them.........but the people who switched off th etransmission was PTV workers under the command of GM TV and they stole few camera's as well. MD PTV , GM PTV they are all part of the game........the purpose was to find excuse and give impression that Dharna people are taking over everything and purpose was to invoke ARMY to take control and force the Dharna people to leave the place........but again the writer of this play was (Marvi Memon, Pervez Rasheed, and other stooges of PMLn)