Who is honest among journalists/Anchors ??

Who is the most honest among journalists/Anchors ??

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

A lot of discussion is going on in the media now a days about the credibility of anchors/journalists . Please share your feelings and vote for the best anchor in your opinion.
Admin please start a poll and you can add if i have missed a name. thanks

1. Hamid Mir
2. Javed Choudhry
3. Najam Sethee
4. Talat Hussain
5. Mushtaq Minhaas
6. kamran Shahid
7. Nadim Malik
8. Dr.Shahid Masood
9. Dr. Danish
10. Abdul Malik
11. Salim Safi
12. Aftab Iqbal
13. Mubashir Luqman
14. Mazhar Abbass
15. Kashif Abbassi
16. Javed Choudhry
17 Hassan Nisar
18. Nusrat Javed
19. Kamran Khan
20. Ansaar Abbasi
21. Asma Sherazi
22. Asma choudhry
23. Mehar Bukhari
24. Jasmeen Manzoor
25. Naseem Zehra
26. Sana Bucha

update by Mod

Guys I shared this poll on facebook as well and got a pretty massive response. Here is the screen shot of it..


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Minister (2k+ posts)
I replied to a post on this forum April 10th 2012.

Hamid Mir=
He will going to stay with everyone and keep bashing ISI​

Kashif abbasi=
Who ever pay higher price​

Sana bucha= she would go for the PML N for sure

Najam sethi=
available for every one who ever pay higher price​

Mubashir luqman=
IMRAN KHAN (because of higher rating) and MQM​

Talat hussain=
neutral as always fair and balance​

Those two thugs on Ajj=
Already sold out to PPP and surely against PTI​

Asma Sherazi=​
Completely sold out PMLN​

Javed Choudhry=​
Already in control and sold out to PMLN (even the whole Express News is with PMLN)​

Asma Choudhry=​
refuse to sold out to PMLN and bravely support PTI I Think.​

Dr. Danish=​
Already under MQM influence but open to higher bidder​

Nadeem Malik=​
stay neutral I hope​

Afsar Allam=​
I think still undecided and open to higher bidder

Shahzaib Khan Zada=​
leaning toward PMLN because the whole Express news is with PMLN

Moeed Pirzada=​
will stay neutral but I think he vote for PTI

Meher Bukhari=​
Completely sold out to PMLN but open to go with higher bidder


Waseem Badami=​

Kamran Khan=​
Completely against PPP, soft with PLMN, PTI but completely favor MQM

Fahad Hussain=​
open to higher bidder

Faisal Qureshi=​

Rana Mubashir=​
Open to higher bidder​


Minister (2k+ posts)
Talaat Hussain, Nadeem Malik, Moed Pirzada

Why are these names missing :angry_smile:, I am not going to vote unless these names are added!



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

غیر جانبدار ’’نظر آنا‘‘ اور غیر جانبدار ’’ہونا‘‘ کا فرق ملحوظ رہے۔

مُبصر غیر جانبدار نہیں ہو سکتا، یہ اُمید ایک پیشہ ور رپورٹر سے کی جانی چاہیئے کہ وہ رپورٹنگ کرتے وقت تمام فریقین کا نُکتہِ نظر سامنے لائے یا فریقین کے نُکتہِ نظر کو ملحوظ رکھتے ہوئے خبر فائل کرے۔ کالم نگار اور مُبصر سے ایسی خواہش رکھنا غیر دانشمندی ہے۔ کالم یا آرٹیکل ہوتا ہی کِسی خبر یا صورتِ حال پر تبصرہ ہے بلکہ جب قاری کوئی رائے قائم نہ کر سکے تو اُسے کالم کی شکل میں ایک ریڈی میڈ رائے دستیاب ہوتی ہے۔ اب ایک مُبصر دونوں طرف کی بات کیسے کرے۔ آپ اُسکے دلائل سے متفق یا غیر متفق ہو سکتے ہیں۔

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Voter (50+ posts)
Malik Riaz to use social media (Facebook etc) to malign CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry

The conspiracy against Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry has been taken a step further. After failure of the original plan of using mainstream media (due toLeaked Malik Riaz interview with Mehar Bukhari and Mubasher Luqman on Dunya TV), the new plan is to use social media (Facebook / Twitter / Blogs) to malign the judiciary. Indirectly the whole propaganda will be sorrounding the Chief Justice.

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