K Kashif Rafiq Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Sep 21, 2014 #1 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10425503_351850578307460_852085402637373177_n.jpg?oh=f0b4e885bc29e59f0d063f65df60079a&oe=5494C368&__gda__=1422086643_e72f49657afee82c81b0aa7bd57fec27
pkpatriot Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 21, 2014 #2 These two political parties don't pursue the cases against each other to bring them to justice, they just trolls for a while to make the innocent people fool... They seem united in looting the country.
These two political parties don't pursue the cases against each other to bring them to justice, they just trolls for a while to make the innocent people fool... They seem united in looting the country.
N Nice2MU President (40k+ posts) Sep 21, 2014 #3 Klasra Sahib! Is there any Potwari and Noora who doesn't speak Truth? Till this day I have never seen any such Potwari or Noora.
Klasra Sahib! Is there any Potwari and Noora who doesn't speak Truth? Till this day I have never seen any such Potwari or Noora.
L Liaqat Hussain Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 21, 2014 #4 InshAllah Noora will be finished eventually