Army Generals are governed by their Wives. I can safely say this after spending 20 yrs in Army Colleges, teaching the sons and daughters of these Armed Forces men.
The corrupt contractors would always send the gifts, such as a luxurious car, vacation tickets in a foreign country, to the wives (to whom they call 'BHABI' or 'Madam) of these generals and would get the contracts they never deserve.
I know these generals inside out. They are just like a 'tamed dog' at home and can't raise their eyes in front of their wives.
The Biggest lie of the Century: " Army and Awaam of Pakistan are ONE"
This is an utter lie spoken by the Generals recently. In fact, they call the people of Pakistan 'Bloody Civilians'. They only have ONE and only ONE interest to safeguard, that is THE ARMY'S INTEREST, or to be more specific, The Commission Officers' interest.
Those who fight wars for us, and carry out operations for the safety of the country are 'JAWANS' who are treated as 'Shoodraz' of Army by these Generals.
When innocent people were dying all over the country, these generals were sitting in their bedrooms, in the warm laps of their wives, and captains and majors with their girl frieds. Only when their bases and GHQ came under attack, then they became angry. Only when generals started to be killed in suicide attacks, then Army thought it was necessary to launch operation against Terrorists.
There is only ONE agenda Army has. Serve the interest of Army, even at the cost of the interest of the whole country.