What Kind Of Stuff Our Media Showing On EID - Where Is Pemra?

Mobeen Ahmad

Voter (50+ posts)
Re: What Kind Of Stuff Our Media Showing On EID Where Is Pemra?

پیمرا عید کی خوشیاں منانے مریخ پر گیا ہوا ہے۔ :p


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: What Kind Of Stuff Our Media Showing On EID Where Is Pemra?

ہمارے نزدیک کوئی بھی خوشی منانے کا ایک ہی تصور ہے
جتنا ممکن ہو بے ہودگی اپنائی جاۓ
یہ ہی اپنے اندر کی خوشی کا اظہار کرنے کا طریقہ ہے
جبکہ عید تو انعام اور اعزاز کے پانے کا دن ہوتا ہے
٣٠ دن جو عبادت کی اس کا انعام پانے کا دن
مگر ہم اس دن کو اپنی عبادت کو گنوانے کا دن مناتے ہیں
٣٠ دن کی ایسی عبادت کے بعد بھی ہم اپنے آپ کو نہ بدل سکے تو ہمیں اپنے دل کو ٹٹولنا ہوگا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pemra is very responsible......they don't people to go to theatres .they make it convenient for them to watch on the Tele .


Councller (250+ posts)
I think if we remove " ISLAMIC" from the name of Pakistan , then ok.

Also have such programmes through out the year I don't have too much problem, but please please please to celebrate the end of Ramadan of any other religious festival that's TAKING the MICKY on Ramadan, you are saying it has not changed you ,given you TAQWA.


At least please wait few weeks.

Sham ,shame.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Seems people have not been to stage dramas lately and have shut down Indian channels in home.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Mujra's from stage shows has moved on to tv screens. Difference is before men used to watch Mujra's on dvds now women in home watching mujra on tv screen. Its a attack on our society and culture....

I live in Norway and school teachers has 2 course each year about how to make muslims girls more like western girls. They say its easier to control next generation if we get girls more westernized. Was told by a Christan school teacher
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Accept it or not that's what public wants. This is how you become COOL in our society. If you are beautiful & willing to show some skin then sky is limit


Councller (250+ posts)
Look, please try to understand this point" THERE IUS A TIME AND PLACE FOR SUCH THINGS"

All we are saying it is not appropriate to make this sort of thing as part of celebrating the end of Ramadan.

This celebration is that those who have fasted than God for a successful month of fasting and improving your taqwa.

This is an insult these people.

I accept some people of course think thank what ever that it OVER and they can get back to some restrictions.

All we are saying please do it few days later.

There is no compulsion in religion ,just delay your type of celebration few days, don't like to the PROPHET and Islam.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I think if we remove " ISLAMIC" from the name of Pakistan , then ok.

Also have such programmes through out the year I don't have too much problem, but please please please to celebrate the end of Ramadan of any other religious festival that's TAKING the MICKY on Ramadan, you are saying it has not changed you ,given you TAQWA.


At least please wait few weeks.

Sham ,shame.

If you remove the name of Islam from Name of Pakistan, Even then it doesn't get less problematic i guess. as one analyst on a TV once said that he would never see any item song or thing that is not related to culture on a News TV Channel anywhere in the world but only in Pakistan which is unusual and will make our society unstable, because if you think your children will be safe(mentally and with respect to have cultural mindset) watching a news channel then you are wrong.

A news channel is supposed to be a news channel and shouldn't be an item song channel, because if some parents decide to block a channel because they think their children should not see something like that then they will find themselves very disappointing.


Councller (250+ posts)
In the UK we have been complaining to media that you should not link the criminal groomer in the Rotherham and Oxford cases by saying they are Muslims.

Our reason is that these criminal whilst committing their crime they did not shout out that they were doing it in the name Islam or God.

If they had iota of fear of God they would not commit such crimes.

If we use the same logic here then they[ non Muslims and Muslim liberals] would say look you have Eid Mubarak in the background and on the screen, thus this proves that vulgar dancing is part of celebrating the end of Ramadan.

They would be correct.

These shows on Eid days clearly state that this is ISLAM[ Islam in Pakistan].

Its up to the Pakistani people to make complaints to PEMRA and their MNA etc.

It just hurts us to see such ABUSE of AUSPICIOUS DAY BY THESE TV CHANNELS.

I AM NOT CONCERNED BY THE DANCERS as individuals as if they had any respect for teaching of the PROPHET they would not do it.

They are free not to respect him or Islam or the people of Pakistan .
