What will be the political makeup of Punjab after PMLN and Sharifs is gone is a big question. Also relevant are the following questions ?
1. Would Punjab be able to have the kind of political leadership asserted by Sharifs which lasted more than 30 years , and had some minor support in other provinces and exerted itself strongly against other political parties and even army intrusions ?
2. Would Punjab labour under Chaudharies or likes of Chaudharies who flourished well under Musharaf but collapsed to nothing after that ?
3.With Nawaz and Shahebaz disqualified by courts and imran consumed by election commission external funding issues will punjab lapse back to PPP ? as many now say , especially after Zardari's release from corruption cases and his meeting with McCain earlier.
4. Would punjab revert to 1958-1977 period when central power was in hands of people of other provinces ?
5. Would punjab suffer fragmentation politically ? with district Nazims like structure controlled by some hidden hand or army directly ?
6. Is there a place for technocrats in government ? at punjab or federal level ?
7. Is there place for any politician or the province will be run by army intelligence agencies and media in the future ?
8. Would punjab be looking for a much lesser role and look towards indian and Chinese trade via expanded CPEC roads and forget others ?
9. Would the current demographic change in punjab with massive pashtoon migration to punjab with islamabad already majority pashtoon speaking , change politics , would this migrations go beyond Islamabad to lahore ? will PTI government enhance it manifold ?
10. Would province be divided into potohar , saraiki and rest and effectively get finished politically in federation ?
11. Would punjab be able to form a party as strong as PMLN in near future or will it be dominated post PMLN by KPK and Sndhi origin politicians in the form of PPP and PTI ?
12. What effect will coming Kashmir and water war will have on punjab , which is likely under Modi ?
13. Is there any possibility of correct population census and proper political representation of Urban population in power politics ever possible ?
14. Would punjab ever develop under village origin leadership of mega cities ? owing to democracy and wrong census .
15. What would be future pashtoon -punjabi political relationship in punjab and in general context , will fall of PMLN remove friction ?
16. What is the future of conservative Islamic practice in punjab under political parties or army rule ?
There are numerous other questions as PMLN leadership gets old and power struggle resumes .
1. Would Punjab be able to have the kind of political leadership asserted by Sharifs which lasted more than 30 years , and had some minor support in other provinces and exerted itself strongly against other political parties and even army intrusions ?
2. Would Punjab labour under Chaudharies or likes of Chaudharies who flourished well under Musharaf but collapsed to nothing after that ?
3.With Nawaz and Shahebaz disqualified by courts and imran consumed by election commission external funding issues will punjab lapse back to PPP ? as many now say , especially after Zardari's release from corruption cases and his meeting with McCain earlier.
4. Would punjab revert to 1958-1977 period when central power was in hands of people of other provinces ?
5. Would punjab suffer fragmentation politically ? with district Nazims like structure controlled by some hidden hand or army directly ?
6. Is there a place for technocrats in government ? at punjab or federal level ?
7. Is there place for any politician or the province will be run by army intelligence agencies and media in the future ?
8. Would punjab be looking for a much lesser role and look towards indian and Chinese trade via expanded CPEC roads and forget others ?
9. Would the current demographic change in punjab with massive pashtoon migration to punjab with islamabad already majority pashtoon speaking , change politics , would this migrations go beyond Islamabad to lahore ? will PTI government enhance it manifold ?
10. Would province be divided into potohar , saraiki and rest and effectively get finished politically in federation ?
11. Would punjab be able to form a party as strong as PMLN in near future or will it be dominated post PMLN by KPK and Sndhi origin politicians in the form of PPP and PTI ?
12. What effect will coming Kashmir and water war will have on punjab , which is likely under Modi ?
13. Is there any possibility of correct population census and proper political representation of Urban population in power politics ever possible ?
14. Would punjab ever develop under village origin leadership of mega cities ? owing to democracy and wrong census .
15. What would be future pashtoon -punjabi political relationship in punjab and in general context , will fall of PMLN remove friction ?
16. What is the future of conservative Islamic practice in punjab under political parties or army rule ?
There are numerous other questions as PMLN leadership gets old and power struggle resumes .
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