Hasan Nisar jaisa big and foul mouth, kia phul jahri chori ha. Kion nahin batata k KPK mein timber aur precious stone smuggling kaon kar raha ha aur saray haspataloon kethekey Jehangir Tirin ko kion de rahay hein. Aur woh musharraf se jo cash se bharay brief cases leta raha ha. Yeh mahallat kia muft mein bantay hein. Konsi aamadan ha jis pe aish chal rahi ha is Bongay Khan ki.
What makes a man worthy of integrity and self respect and have that sense of self respect?!
Its the basis of every word coming out of his/her mouth is thoroughly thought and cross referenced with no malign and ''chor'' in his/her heart!
All in all whatever crap you commented has no worth even in your eyes let alone audience! Only if you see yourself within and only then you will realise!