Q 1: What is dua?
Q 2: What are necessary things for this practice?
Q 3: What is method?
Q 4: What are the good words that make it appealing?
Q 5: What is time for its acceptance?
Q 6: What makes it not to be accepted?
Plz guide me.......................main mayoosi k alam main iman khoo rha hon........
May Allah protect you from the evils.
Firstly I would suggest recite Astaghfaar, as much as you can all day and while going to bed.
Astaghfaar is like the magical cure for ills and diseases of the inner heart,like hopelessness.
Astaghfirrula hillazi la ilaha illa hual hayyul qayyum va atooboo alai.
Namaaz is the MOST important thing for any act to be accepted by Allah. As many times as you can say it.
Say durud before and after the dua.
Praise the Lord and count His names (that are all only goodness) e.g recite the names like Khalik,Maalik,Raazik,Khabeer,Rabbul aalameen,Maalik-e-jaan-o-maal and others that you want to.
Accept that you as a human being ARE Nothing, you need HIM and His blessings.
Times of acceptance are many. Including after you pray or recite the Koran, while traveling, in times of pain no matter how small, any time some one hurts your feelings.
Start small because in times of such emotional turmoil it is hard. Another way can be just detach yourself from everything if possible and immerse yourself in His Zikar and once your heart and mind are at peace you an resume your normal activities and this could take few hours to few days. When I say detach I mean main activity as much as possible should be praying,if you get some brown painful patches on your knees it will be good.
Remember, DUA NEVER goes to waste. one of the 3 things will happen; It is a win win as far as dua goes.
1- either you will be granted what you wanted.or
2-some Balaa will be removed from your life in place of acceptance of the dua.or
3-dua will be added to the final tally of good deeds in Aakhirat.
I think all of us have been through such trying, awful times. We have managed to come out, so will you, just have faith.