What came first chicken or egg: riddle resolved


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

LONDON: Scientists have cracked one of the world's oldest riddles - which came first, the chicken or the egg?

A supercomputer gave the team from Sheffield and Warwick Universities the answer - the chicken. The original goal of the research was to find out more about how animals make eggshell.

Society underestimates chickens and we don't realise the amazing process they perform each time they make an egg.

Eggshell is incredibly strong yet very lightweight. Humans can't get close to making anything like it.

The results showed that a particular protein in chickens acts as a tireless builder, placing one microscopic section of shell on top of the other.

It initiates this building process before going off to start on another part of the egg.



Siasat.pk - Blogger
magar murgee to anday say paida hotee hai.
if shell is made from a protein that means chicken came first to hatch that egg.
But where did first chicken come from ? how was that hatched ? who laid that egg?


Minister (2k+ posts)
Brothers if u read QURAN u will know that ALLAH made pairs of all the animals & plants just by saying one word "KUN" & they were created at once "FAYAKOON". So they are trying to search for all these clues like BING BANG etc, but ALLAH have explained all this in QURAN. Let them search & found out.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I got this on online, i will try to post actual arabic later. Let me know if there are any mistakes. Jaza-k-ALLAH
SURAH 36, AYAH 36:

36 Glory be to Him Who created all the sexual pairs, of that which the earth groweth, and of themselves, and of that which they know not!
SURAH 42, AYAT 11-12:

11 The Creator of the heavens and the earth. He hath made for you pairs of yourselves, and of the cattle also pairs, whereby He multiplieth you. Naught is as His likeness; and He is the Hearer, the Seer.
12 His are the keys of the heavens and the earth. He enlargeth providence for whom He will and straiteneth (it for whom He will). Lo! He is Knower of all things.

SURAH 55, AYAT 52-53:

52 Wherein is every kind of fruit in pairs.
53 Which is it, of the favors of your Lord, that ye deny?


3 And He it is who spread out the earth and placed therein firm hills and flowing streams, and of all fruits be placed therein two spouses (male and female). He covereth the night with the day. Lo! herein verily are portents for people who take thought.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Glory be to Him Who created all the pairs: from what the earth produces and from themselves and from things unknown to them. (Qur'an, 36:36)

While "male and female" is equivalent to the concept of "pair," "things unknown to them," as expressed in the Qur'an, bears a broader meaning. Indeed, we encounter one of the meanings pointed to in the verse in the present day. The British physicist Paul Dirac, who discovered that matter was created in pairs, won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1933. This finding, known as "parity," revealed the duality known as matter and anti-matter. Anti-matter bears the opposite characteristics to matter. For instance, contrary to matter, anti-matter electrons are positive and protons negative. This fact is expressed in a scientific source as follows:
... every particle has its antiparticle of opposite charge. [T]he uncertainty relation tells us that pair creation and pair annihilation happen in the vacuum at all times, in all places.47
Another example of duality in creation is plants. Botanists only discovered that there is a gender distinction in plants some 100 years ago.48 Yet, the fact that plants are created in pairs was revealed in the following verses of the Qur'an 1,400 years ago:
It is Allah Who created the heavens with no support-you can see them-and cast firmly embedded mountains on the earth so that it would not move under you, and scattered about in it creatures of every kind. And We send down water from the sky and make every generous plant grow in it, in pairs. (Qur'an, 31:10)
It is He Who made the earth a cradle for you and threaded pathways for you through it and sent down water from the sky by which We have brought forth diverse pairs of plants. (Qur'an, 20:53)




Senator (1k+ posts)
This issue was solved years ago by a sardar(sikh) A guy asked Sardar jee which comes first The chicken or the egg? Sardar Jee replied: Simple answer whatever you order first will come first".... ahahahaaaaaaa


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
This issue was solved years ago by a sardar(sikh) A guy asked Sardar jee which comes first The chicken or the egg? Sardar Jee replied: Simple answer whatever you order first will come first".... ahahahaaaaaaa

when astros landed on moon, they were shocked to find a sardar ji.

they asked: when the hell did you come here?

sikh replied: mein to partition hi key time a' gaya that [hilar][hilar]


Senator (1k+ posts)
انڈا نہیں پہلے مرغی پیدا ہوئی: سائنسدان


لندن(نیٹ نیوز) سائنسدانوں نے آخر کار اس سوال کا جواب تلاش کر لیا کہ پہلے مرغی پیدا ہوئی تھی یا انڈہ۔ سائنسدانوں کا کہنا ہے انڈہ نہیں پہلے مرغی پیدا ہوئی تھی ۔ شفیلڈ اور واردک یونیورسٹیز کے سائنسدانوں نے ثابت کیا ہے انڈہ اسی وقت پیدا ہو سکتا ہے جب مرغی کا نظام تولید کام کر رہا ہو۔ پروٹین صرف مرغی کے نظام تولید میں ہوتی ہے جو انڈے میں چوزے کی نشوونما کرتی ہے، پہلے یہ تصور کیا جاتا رہاہے کہ پہلے انڈہ پیدا ہوا تھا ۔ شیفلڈ یونیورسٹی کے ڈاکٹر کولن فری مین کا کہنا تھا انڈے کی ساخت میں پروٹین کا عمل دخل ہے جو مرغی کے نظام تولید میں موجود ہوتی ہے۔


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Re: انڈا نہیں پہلے مرغی پیدا ہوئی: سائنسدان

koi poochay bhai anday aur murgee kay maslay main paray hoey hoo
yeh to bataow jo bhee pehlay paida hoa aakhir paida kia kis nay ?

bewakoof log murgee anday ka malsa to hal kar rahay hain magar Allah ke zaat ko nahi mantay jis nay jab chaha jaisay chaha jo chaha bana dia...
if some one has that belief then anday murgee ka masla khatam...aur time bhee saved aur iman + aakhirat bee


President (40k+ posts)
Re: انڈا نہیں پہلے مرغی پیدا ہوئی: سائنسدان

Allah has already said in Quran, the meaning of the verse is that "He has created every things in Pairs" so we shouldn't very doubtful about it.
