Western Freedom of Speech


Senator (1k+ posts)
A stark reminder of Western Freedom of Speech and Expression for those who blame West for undermining Muslims and demonizing Islam.

Man brazenly parading ISIS flag outside Big Ben is stopped by police... but then allowed to walk free as they rule he ISN'T breaking the law

  • Man draped in Islamic State flag seen walking past Big Ben on Saturday
  • Young girl waved smaller version of flag as she sat on his shoulders
  • Police stopped man, but did not arrest him as actions deemed within law
  • It comes after Tunisia attack and days before 7/7 terror attacks anniversary
This is the shocking moment a man paraded past the Houses of Parliament draped in an Islamic State flag with a young girl on his shoulders - before being allowed to walk free by police.
The man could be seen walking past a group of scouts near Big Ben with the little girl waving a smaller version of the jihadist group's flag just days before the anniversary of the 7/7 terror attacks.
Police confirmed that they stopped the man in the busy tourist area on Saturday, but did not arrest him as his actions were deemed 'within the law'.
The decision has been slammed on social media, with many saying it makes they feel unsafe on the streets of Britain.

The real question is, will ISIS allow a man to walk around with US or UK flag in the streets of Mosul?

Muslims are enraged when Western people draw the cartoons but when ISIS violates the Message of Prophet Mohammad PBUH everyday in Iraq and Syria, no one dares to question.



The images were posted on a Korean forum after a tourist spotted the man walking around near the Palace of Westminster in central London.
It comes one week after gunman Seifeddine Rezgui killed 38 tourists, including 30 Briton, on a beach in Sousse, Tunisia.

The pictures have caused particular panic as they were taken as Londoners prepare to mark a decade since the July 7 terror attacks.
Scotland Yard said officers spoke to the man and considered his actions within the Public Order Act 1986.
A spokesman said: 'This man was spoken to by officers with consideration given to relevant legislation and a decision was taken by officers at the time that the man was acting within the law. He was not arrested.'
He added: 'Wearing, carrying or displaying of an emblem or flag, by itself, is not an offence unless; the way in which, or the circumstance in which, the emblem is worn, carried or displayed is such as to cause reasonable suspicion that the person is a supporter or member of a proscribed organisation.


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Minister (2k+ posts)
if the west is so good that u wanna follow west, go and live in west and stop calling urself muslim! (if u r one) (dont come to the conclusion that im a supporter of ISIS)


Senator (1k+ posts)
if the west is so good that u wanna follow west, go and live in west and stop calling urself muslim! (if u r one) (dont come to the conclusion that im a supporter of ISIS)

Are Bosnians, Albanians, and Kosovo people not Muslim and Western at the same time ?
شیخ عمران سے کہو کہ حضور صلی اللہ و علیہ وسلم کا ٹائٹل چینج کرکے رحمت اللمشرقین رکھ دیں


Senator (1k+ posts)
US Should not withdraw from Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan — The ongoing Taliban offensive in Afghanistan demands a reassessment of the Obama administration’s current plan to drawdown U.S. forces, U.S. Sen. John McCain said Saturday during a visit to the country’s capital.

The Republican told reporters that Afghan national forces are fighting bravely, but suffering heavy losses in the field.
American and international troops have already stopped playing a combat role, remaining as trainers for local forces. The international numbers will be reduced further at the end of 2016. But McCain said reductions should be based on conditions on the ground.

“With the rise of ISIS
and the distinct fighting season that is marked this year, the threat environment continues to evolve in ways that clearly, in my view, demands a reassessment of the administration’s current calendar-driven drawdown of U.S. forces with a plan that must be based on conditions on the ground,” McCain said.

Both Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and McCain deem terrorism and extremism as a threat to the stability of Afghanistan, the region and the world, and stressed the importance of continuing efforts to fight it, a statement from the presidential palace said.

Meanwhile, Afghan lawmakers rejected Ghani’s nominee for defense minister, a position that has remained empty for more than nine months amid some of the toughest fighting since the Taliban insurgency began 14 years ago. Masoom Stanekzai received just 84 out of the 107 votes needed for parliamentary approval.

Stanekzai is better known as a peacemaker, having led the High Peace Council negotiating body charged with ending the conflict with the Taliban. He has been serving as the country’s top defense official in an acting capacity.



Minister (2k+ posts)

Are Bosnians, Albanians, and Kosovo people not Muslim and Western at the same time ?
شیخ عمران سے کہو کہ حضور صلی اللہ و علیہ وسلم کا ٹائٹل چینج کرکے رحمت اللمشرقین رکھ دیں

Astaghfirullah, Prophet pbuh was sent as the mercy to the world, both for Jinn and Mankind


Minister (2k+ posts)
Then why are you alienating West as Just Non-Muslims?

because the water is over the head! and the punishment of Allah is befall on every one soon, including me!

And there is no city but that We will destroy it before the Day of Resurrection or punish it with a severe punishment. That has ever been in the Register inscribed. Al Quran 17:58


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Israeli Secret Intelligence Service a.k.a ISIS is love child of the Dajjali forces. Who could stop them in there homeland? What a shameless propaganda of the freedom. Go get some life.

A dirty nexus of Takfeeri Hell Dogs & CIA/MOSAD.
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Are you sure you are Fan of Imam Hussain RA ?????
Looks like another LeJ or SSP with self destruction written all over.

because the water is over the head! and the punishment of Allah is befall on every one soon, including me!

And there is no city but that We will destroy it before the Day of Resurrection or punish it with a severe punishment. That has ever been in the Register inscribed. Al Quran 17:58


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: US Should not withdraw from Afghanistan

i think there will be peace when us withdraws from afghanistan. reason is that afghanis will start fighting among themselves and so rest of the world can be at peace.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
if the west is so good that u wanna follow west, go and live in west and stop calling urself muslim! (if u r one) (dont come to the conclusion that im a supporter of ISIS)
اسمیں کیا شک ہے کہ ویسٹ مسلمانوں کے رہنے کے لئے آئیڈیل جگہ ہے جہاں انہیں مذہبی آزادی ،ایجوکیشن اور بزنس کے برابر مواقع ملتے ہیں جتنی کسی کی کوالیفیکشن ہے اتنا ہی وہ ترقی کرتا ہے تھریڈ سٹارٹر یا کوی بھی جو پاکستان سے آتا ہے وہ یہی فیل کرتا ہے کہ جہنم سے نکل کر جنت میں آگیا ہے کیونکہ پاکستان میں خوراک ملاوٹ زدہ ،لوگ جھوٹے اور کرپٹ ، اخلاقیات کا یہ عالم کہ حادثہ ہوجاۓ تو لاشوں کے بٹوے غائب کر دیتے ہیں فون اور گھڑیوں کا تو کوی ذکر ہی نہیں کوی بندہ موٹر سائیکل کی ٹکر سے زخمی ہو کر سڑک پر گرا پڑا تھا ایک بندہ مدد کیلئے آیا اور اسے کہا کہ فون کہاں ہے تاکہ ایمبولینس کو فون کرے جب اس نے فون دیا تو اس نے ایکدم دوڑ لگادی ،حکمران سے لے کر نوکر تک سب کرپٹ جسکا تو فین ہے یہ کیا مریخ پر رہتا رہا ہے ؟


Senator (1k+ posts)
because the water is over the head! and the punishment of Allah is befall on every one soon, including me!

And there is no city but that We will destroy it before the Day of Resurrection or punish it with a severe punishment. That has ever been in the Register inscribed. Al Quran 17:58

Allah will not destroy Prophet S.A.W ummah because hujjat abhi tamam nahi hoi. Tableegh is going on despite ISIS fitnah


Senator (1k+ posts)
Israeli Secret Intelligence Service a.k.a ISIS is love child of the Dajjali forces. Who could stop them in there homeland? What a shameless propaganda of the freedom. Go get some life.

A dirty nexus of Takfeeri Hell Dogs & CIA/MOSAD.

America and Israel don't make their soldiers scape goats. This is a sifaat and khaslat of Islamic countries


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: US Should not withdraw from Afghanistan

امریکی کو ایک دن خرشی کتے کی طرح افغانستان سے بھاگننا ہوگا انشاللہ
