Waseem Akram disappointed over Sarfaraz Ahmed exclusion from T 20 Team --- Sarfaraz Dhoka nahi dega


Minister (2k+ posts)
Afridi is the biggest chutiy@ and selfish player the world has ever seen. Why is there a need to drop Sarfraz continuously, specilly in T20? And Waqar Younis is a confirmed jawari who wants to bring in Khatmal brothers to start doing the match fixing again


Senator (1k+ posts)
And that is what the media do , they showed picture of Afridy at the end and my friends fall into the trap. Is Afridi the team management ?
Afridi is the biggest chutiy@ and selfish player the world has ever seen. Why is there a need to drop Sarfraz continuously, specilly in T20? And Waqar Younis is a confirmed jawari who wants to bring in Khatmal brothers to start doing the match fixing again


Senator (1k+ posts)
other teams have young captains for T20, but we have oldest restarted Afridi and proven fixer shoaib malik again why?????

SARFRAZ AND YASIR SHAH should be in a team, S LANKA playing a young team many of them,our old bstrds, when they want they can win , when they want they loose


Senator (1k+ posts)
shame on management kut.. ke bachay playing with nation emotions, afridi is most selfish player


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
سرفراز ٹیسٹ اور ونڈے میں کھیل رہا ہے ٹی ٹوینٹی میں رضوان کا حق بنتا ہے

lovely_ pk

MPA (400+ posts)
go back to your home india.... He never helped Pakistani Team except criticizing them... Go back to India and help them out... we can survive without you....
