Views on News with Dr Shahid Masood - 30th August 2010 - Habib Wahab ul Khairi, Saleem Bukhari, Baba


Minister (2k+ posts)

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Councller (250+ posts)
I don,t know Dr Shahid is human or Danger Dr?? ask questions non stop, never let the people to complete the sentance, very noisey, not patient at all.
Force the people to say what he wants them to say rather let them express themselves freely.


Voter (50+ posts)
WORST Tragedy sialkot ON 5/8/10 OF2Brothers.Missing corrupt police officers, WARIS ASI,TARIQ K485C SIPAHI,R WANTED immediate to find them out where ever alive or dead contact on nos +92-51-9206065 +92-51-9204692 BAI ZAMEER LOGO JAAG JAO GWAHI DO HAQ KA SAAT DO WARNA ALLAH ISKE SAZA ZAROOR DAIGA AGAR JAN KAR B HAQ KA SAAT NAHI DIYA SIRF BAATO SE KAM NAHI CHALEGAA JAZBATHI KHOD GARAZ DUNYA BAN GAI HAI. or immediately contact any news channel or paper. Arrested dpo chohan with5police men and 7criminals who beaten them2death will b hanged to death INSHALLAH.. supported culprits are 1122staff 9civilians who watched just enjoyed begharats atleast physical remand with 20yrs prison to them so no one ever make such crime again.ppp sialkoti minister Firdos ashiq awan fully supporting criminals with support of samaa tv news pro ppp channel thats why minister ashiq gangsters broked bones of reporter imran instead of giving gold medal journalist is warned by government to b killed OH MY GOD when this system will b changed? Its time to wake up and join together till the family get justice.Why is justice so slow in pakistan criminals run away and case files are burned after every one forget after few months.
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