USA - 200,000 People die every year due to Air Pollution


Senator (1k+ posts)
Who is to be blamed in this regard............Al-Qaeda?






Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
i have lived in the states for half of my life and i have traveled all over the USA so many times but i have not seen any pollution anywhere that can kill humans... i have not polished my shoes for the last 10 years and they are still look new.. i wash my can once a year that too just to kill time in summer. what this news is talking about , i dont know.


MPA (400+ posts)
i have lived in the states for half of my life and i have traveled all over the USA so many times but i have not seen any pollution anywhere that can kill humans... i have not polished my shoes for the last 10 years and they are still look new.. i wash my can once a year that too just to kill time in summer. what this news is talking about , i dont know.
I couldn't have agreed more, I don't know where these people get all these reports.