US urges Pakistan to stamp out terror groups


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Note: These two officials are holding a Boston Tea party in Islamabad this year LOL

Amazing what power and $ will do for you :banghead:

WASHINGTON: The United States is now urging Pakistan to strike at the groups that hunt for disgruntled Pakistanis living abroad and then use them for plotting terrorist activities in Europe and North America.

This is the message that two senior aides of US President Barack Obama, who arrived in Islamabad on Tuesday, are believed to have brought with them.

Media reports earlier claimed that US National Security Adviser Gen James Jones and CIA Director Leon Panetta had come to Islamabad to investigate the May 1 bomb plot, which has been blamed on the Pakistani Taliban.

Before flying out of Washington on Monday night, Gen Jones spoke with Pakistans Ambassador Husain Haqqani and is believed to have discussed with him the outlines of Mr Obamas informal message with him as well.

Official sources familiar with the Obama administrations approach to this issue, meanwhile, rejected the suggestion that Mr Obama had sent two senior aides to explore the links between the TTP and Faisal Shahzad, the main suspect in the May 1 bombing plot.

This is not such a sophisticated or complicated case that the White House should send its national security adviser and the CIA chief all the way to Islamabad, said one such source. They are there to look at the bigger picture and to discuss with Pakistani officials the greater context of this issue.

According to sources familiar with US investigations into recent terrorist activities in Europe and North America, what has really alarmed Washington is the determination that all those involved in these acts have had some links to Pakistan.

Either they are from there, have travelled to Pakistan, have friends in that country or have been trained by those living there, said one official source.

Whether these were the Sept 11 attacks in the US or those in London, Mumbai or the recent attempt to bomb New Yorks Times Square, they all have a Pakistan link.

In the message sent to Pakistan, the Obama administration is also believed to have conveyed its concern over how easily people like Faisal Shahzad are able to connect to Al Qaeda and its offshoots.

The Americans also have pointed out how such groups are able to send these recruits to their training camps in Fata, bring them back and send them out to their destinations without ever being detected by the Pakistani authorities, said a source.

The basic concept of the message that Gen Jones and Mr Panetta are believed to have brought with them is the same as that of US Secretary of State Hillary Clintons.

In a recent television interview, she warned that Pakistan would have to face very severe consequences if an attack on the US, planned on the Pakistani soil, was to succeed.

But the tone of the new message is different. Instead of threatening Pakistanis with severe consequences, the two senior officials are telling their Pakistani interlocutors that if an attack planned in Pakistan succeeded, no US administration will be able to control the American public opinion.

To avoid such a situation, they are offering to work with the Pakistanis for stamping out the groups that recruit overseas Pakistanis and other Muslims for carrying out terrorist attacks.

Theres no threat, no do-mores or if-nots, said an official familiar with the new US approach. The message is: Lets take our cooperation to the next level and work together to obliterate this threat.

The official said that the Americans were not asking for a military offensive in North Waziristan either. Instead, they were offering to enhance Pakistans ability to deal with such groups and are willing to work with them for stamping out terrorism from this region, the official said.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Haqqani told Dawn that he had conveyed to the Americans that the Faisal Shahzad case should not become a basis for bashing Pakistan or Pakistani Americans.

He said that three Pakistani men arrested in New England last week as part of the investigation into the attempted Times Square bombing did not appear to have any involvement in terrorism.

Mr Haqqani said that US law-enforcement agencies cast a wide net during the investigation and that the three men were only taken into custody because alleged immigration violations were discovered during interrogation.

Im a little critical of law-enforcement personnel who ran to the press first, because you can actually destroy peoples lives. So far, there is nothing that implies anything of a terrorist nature, he said.

On Monday, Pakistans consul general in Boston, Barry Hoffman, visited one of the men, 27-year-old Aftab Ali Khan, at the Suffolk County House of Correction for about an hour and said, Hes proclaiming his innocence.

Source: DAWN

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
@ Gazoo Please do read what you post!

Quote “There’s no threat, no do-mores or if-nots,” said an official familiar with the new US approach. “The message is: Let’s take our cooperation to the next level and work together to obliterate this threat.”

Is this not a positive sign? As both nations face the dire threat of terrorism rather than indulging in a blame game (which I am sure the Taliban Apologists would love to see) both Pakistan and U.S are extending their areas of cooperation and ensuring that the extremist elements are eradicated from our society


Senator (1k+ posts)
LMAO..These Mass murdering crusaders have no SHAME??NAGASAKI HIROSHIA??Few pearls for criminally insane empire.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
@ Gazoo Please do read what you post!

Quote “There’s no threat, no do-mores or if-nots,” said an official familiar with the new US approach. “The message is: Let’s take our cooperation to the next level and work together to obliterate this threat.”

Is this not a positive sign? As both nations face the dire threat of terrorism rather than indulging in a blame game (which I am sure the Taliban Apologists would love to see) both Pakistan and U.S are extending their areas of cooperation and ensuring that the extremist elements are eradicated from our society

Pak never had taliban threats until you invaded Afghan/Pak. You allowed Indians to train,finance terrorists. Most terrorists are prepared by Mossad with your blessings.

By the way, is fawad off today?

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

American are asking Indian Government to hand over Baul Thakray( or ball !!! ) to them so they can start a war crime trial on him. I think this is a very positive step forward in their relationship. So, when is Indian Government going to chartared a plane with B. Thakrey hand cuffed sitting in the plane ? Any idea ?

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
Dear Gazoo! So the religious extremism in Pakistan is due to American invasion of Afghanistan and before that we were tolerant, peaceful and harmonious society?
Apart from giving a supply route to America has Pakistan stationed any troops in Afghanistan? The Taliban are barbarians and I will cite on example here before the U.S invasion the Pakistan team went to Afghanistan for a friendly match only to get their heads shaved off as the Taliban found their shorts too provocative! So if you support these criminal please do so openly do not mince your words!
And FYI, Fawad is a state department official and I am an independent citizen of Pakistan, and we differed on various occasions.

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
@Zaidi sahib! Please enlighten me on how is the United States responsible for Baal Tahkray actions? And more importantly have we apprehended Hafiz Saeed yet? Or are you one of Zaid Hamid nutcases who think that Ajmal Kasab is Amar Singh. Had we not been allied partners we would have faced severe consequences in Mumbai aftermath so please come to terms with reality!


Councller (250+ posts)
@Zaidi sahib! Please enlighten me on how is the United States responsible for Baal Tahkray actions? And more importantly have we apprehended Hafiz Saeed yet? Or are you one of Zaid Hamid nutcases who think that Ajmal Kasab is “Amar Singh”. Had we not been allied partners we would have faced severe consequences in Mumbai aftermath so please come to terms with reality!

Mr. Ammar US might not be directly responsible for what that nutcase Thackery does or says but yes, indirectly US is responsible. Unless you are aware of a crime that is called "accessory to crime" Ball Thackery might stunningly a guy next door. If US calls Pakistan to "stamp out terror groups" while there is only TTP in one region of the country and does not call upon the issue of 176 separatist movements who are actively busy in terror activities in more than 64% area of india ... would you rather consider US a blind state ?

Now on to Hafiz Saeed issue ..... we have actually apprehended Hafiz Saeed and presented him before court who after much hassle, interrogation and cross-examination was freed of all charges against him. I will suggest do read some newspapers.

As for you last abomination about being "allied partners" ... I don't if I should laugh or cry to this ,,,, clearly you are beyond redemption segment of Pakistani traitorous league of ya-Hoodbhoy schmucks ... who turn a blind eye and a deaf ear when they refer us to "stone ages" or when they tell us "to brace ourselves for the severest consequences" ... but your total focus would be on "allied partners" ...

"allied partners" who are denied "civilian nuclear technology" while we make all the fuss about your "nuclear arsenal technology" ....

"allied partners" who are threatened, urged to "do more", branded with terrorism ....

"allied partners" whose citizen are nothing more than ants or mosquitoes whom you could abduct even if you don't have enough charges against them ...

"allied partners" who are told to consider their arch-rival as a leader of the region and be a good lad ....

well, since you are beyond redemption ... do I have any reason to continue ?

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
@ GreyWolf, I will attempt to answer the questions raised by you however we seem to be at different ends of the prism, The courts have indeed let go of Hafeez Saeed perhaps for reason that the prosecution did not present a viable case or take the case of the Lal-Masjid cleric Abdul-Aziz who despite of harboring terrorist was set free on bail, so there is something wrong with the judicial system when it comes to such cases.
You are in no way different from right-wing zealots who would conveniently label anyone as the traitorous league of ya-Hoodbhoy schmucks! Cleary only you are the torchbearer of patriotism!!!!
Who would pass on the civilian nuclear technology to a state who has been involved in nuclear proliferation?

Oh and the allied partner who have been handed over 12 billion USD worth piata over the last 8 years and 7.5 billion USD in the shape of Kerry lugger bill for development programs. So the ones you loathe are running your healthcare (whatever little that is), education and poverty reduction programs. Can you give some stats on how much aid Saudi Arab, Iran or Libya have given to Pakistan’s development? They would rather build another grand Madarsa!


Senator (1k+ posts)
@ Ammar isb, Why should Saudi Arabia, Iran and Libya give us in the first place ? Are we fighting their war on terror? If US has given all this, then you ought to remember that it is solely for the mercenary service rendered to them by our personnel. However they are peanuts, keeping in view the aid they are giving to Israel on annual basis and keeping in view the losses we suffer on daily basis.

Regarding nuclear technology, i must inform you that the worst thing which ever happened from American point of view was that Pakistan went nuclear. Now this proliferation accusation is just arm-twisting. Do you really feel satisfied that Indian nuclear technology is totally indigenous ? Are you confident enough to say that Israel never acquired nukes from the Europe and has never secretly got technology from US to stockpile its arsenal? Or has Israel not helped Indians to ameliorate their flaws? Where goes the proliferation then? When you have acquired nukes by hook or by crook then denying civil nuclear technology is a lame excuse.

I am not expert on law issues regarding Hafiz Saeed. But if worst comes to worst and Hafiz Saeed is actually proven guilty some day, then I think we must hold him as a bargaining chip. To get Bal Thackeray, L.K Advani and rascals like Col. Prohat. After all the cold war rivals did the same on Glienicke (Potsdam) bridge.
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Councller (250+ posts)
@ GreyWolf, I will attempt to answer the questions raised by you however we seem to be at different ends of the prism, The courts have indeed let go of Hafeez Saeed perhaps for reason that the prosecution did not present a viable case or take the case of the Lal-Masjid cleric Abdul-Aziz who despite of harboring terrorist was set free on bail, so there is something wrong with the judicial system when it comes to such cases.
There is nothing wrong with judiciary in such cases or in any cases except political. The difference is only in perception ... Hafiz Saeed is a freedom fighter and a hero for Kashmiris ... he could be anything to india and its establishment. Why do I have to look through india's glasses ? Just like Balla Thackeray, LK Advani and Nirendra Modi is a culprit as far as indian muslims and Pakistani people are concerned but indian SC has dismissed cases against them ... even an appeal was extradited by SC against LK Advani in Babri Mosque case recently. Now today news tell us that Afzal Guru who is in line for death sentence in SC of India ... Naxals have expressed their support for Afzal Guru and have declared him a freedom fighter ..... indian government considers him a terrorist. Just ponder over.

You are in no way different from right-wing zealots who would conveniently label anyone as the traitorous league of ya-Hoodbhoy schmucks! Cleary only you are the torchbearer of patriotism!!!!
Who would pass on the civilian nuclear technology to a state who has been involved in nuclear proliferation?

If I mention ya-hoodbhoy league schmucks ... I am a zealot but if you and your likes express their bewilderment over Zaid Hamid who is a true muslim and a soldier of Islam ... then what are you ?

There are always two sides of the extremes ... one extreme is burqa clad afghan women then there is other side ... those naturists on US and Western beaches who won't even hesitate eyeing their own naked daughter. If rule of freedom applies to those naked ones ... why can't it apply to burqa-clads ?

Oh and the allied partner who have been handed over 12 billion USD worth piata over the last 8 years and 7.5 billion USD

12 USD in 8 years for fighting an imposed war while it would have costed them 100Bn if they fought with their own soldiers .... wow ... what a mercy.

in the shape of Kerry lugger bill for development programs.

Research some news ... out of those 7.5 Bn dollars they are gonna spend 3 Bn dollars on their embassies in Pakistan and that too is called aid. Of course, they are buying their way, their supply route and air bases .... these all things are not owned by their fathers.

So the ones you loathe are running your healthcare (whatever little that is), education and poverty reduction programs. Can you give some stats on how much aid Saudi Arab, Iran or Libya have given to Pakistan’s development? They would rather build another grand Madarsa!

They are running our health-care ? ... oh heck ... I don't wonder why our health department is in shambles. Education and poverty reduction programs ? Were there ever Sasti Roti schemes in Pakistan before they entered this arena ? Come on, dont get me started on Saudi Arabia, Iran and Libya ... We have been fighting their wars, brokering deals between their disputes and providing them moral and verbal support on international forums. And, anyway, you can't count KSA, Libya and Iran in the line with US or UN ... these latter ones are our muslim brothers ... what we have done for them is not to be published but they will only help Pakistan in response to Pakistan's brotherhood and help in other fields. Who would rather build a grand madrassah ? who ? US ? Or KSA ? Please tell them to spare us ... we are already in deep $hit thanks to KSA backed and financed madrassahs. And there is enough sectarian chaos over things like that. If it was not for KSA and Afghanistan ... Pakistan would have never named an Al-Qaeda safe-haven.

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
@ Grey Wolf, you have answered the core yourself,” we are already in deep $hit thanks to KSA backed and financed madrassahs.” Has there been once a diplomatic effort from Pakistan to curtail the funding of these Madrassah?
And how come 3 billion USD will be spent one there embassies? Can you give any reference for this absurd figure!
And for crying out loud Pervez Hood boy is an eminent scholar with accepted creditionals whereas Ziad Hamid is mere third rate graduate of N.e.d! He is in no way an authority on international affairs! His mission of hate has clearly failed. Your definition of patriotism is limited to bashing India and living in perpetual state of denial.
As you mentioned the dilemma of sectarian violence and religious extremism these are home-grown problems, just because the U.S interest coincides with ours does not make it an American war this battle is for our own survival.
Lastly your comparison for BAL Tahkray or Advani is addressed at “issue inside India” for even Pakistan has never accused Advani or tahkray for terrorism in “Pakistan”. The plight of Indian Muslims remains an internal affair of India. This is not 6th grade Pakistan studies we are not the custodians of Muslims all over the globe, here every state is a loner in the international arena!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Faisal Shahzads links traced to SWaziristan: Malik

Faisal Shahzads links traced to SWaziristan: Malik

Interior Minister Rehman Malik Wednesday revealed that Faisal Shahzad, presently by the US for carrying out a failed bid to blow a fireball in Times Square on May 1, had links in South Waziristan. Talking to media men here, Rehman Malik said investigations into Faisal Shahzad case are presently underway. However, he added, that no one has so far been arrested. Faisal Shahzad had links in South Waziristan and his accounts are in focus for investigation, the Interior Minister told the reporters. He said the government honors the decision of the Supreme Court regarding Hafiz Saeed and urged the Indian authorities to accord similar respect to the verdicts of Pakistani courts. We had also honored the Indian courts decision against Ajmal Kasab, he said.


Minister (2k+ posts)
yar ye shakhs kion itna kut-ta kuutttaaa sa lagta hae..... US ke haddi pa palne wala kutttttey ka pilllaaaa..... RM ki pedaish ke links bhi kahin Waziristan se nahi milte hon...... sorry for my strong language, im not usualy like that but when some morons piss me off i react accordingly. pata nahi zindagi, moat, hisab kitab aur sanson ka rukh jana en k lie kio koi mani nahi rakhta......

sarbakaf - Blogger
is he spokesman of american govt ? paid by mr zardari ?

when was the last time this bas-tard said some thing which was in favour of pakistn?

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
LoL! Now this Rehman Malik Bashing cracks me up! All of us are traitors the whole government, the armed forces and the citizens. The only patriots over here are the Hakeemullah Mehsud, Hafiz Saeed and the whole bunch of Taliban terrorists! Wah jee Wah
