US Threat to Pakistan.... Shireen M. Mazari


Minister (2k+ posts)
First read this article and then watch the clip at the end.

Clintons War Threat Should Be Met With Punitive Pakistani Measures

Why did our Ambassador to Washington maintain a strange silence in the immediate aftermath instead of seeking access to Faisal Shahzad? Why did Foreign Minister Qureshi link Shahzad to drone attacks and accept Pakistans guilt without evidence? Why Pakistans civilian and military
leaderships are not questioning the US intent?

By Shireen M. Mazari
Monday, 10 May 2010.

ISLAMABAD, PakistanHillary Clinton has once again come into her own true self and issued a direct threat to Pakistan of severe consequences if the terror attack of Time Square New York City had been successful and found to have definitively originated in Pakistan.

It brings to mind an earlier moment when Hillary, during the course of her unsuccessful bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, had responded to a question on whether she would use tactical nuclear weapons against Pakistan in the context of a terror attack linked to Pakistan and she unhesitatingly declared yes. She was also right up there with Bush on the question of the Iraq war until she realised how unpopular it was becoming within her own country. So she is very much in the same mould as Condi Rice.

However, her latest threat has established without an iota of doubt the larger US game plan for Pakistan and the issue is not what the US plans to do so much as what are leadership is doing or not doing to protect itself from this increasingly threatening US agenda.

But first some serious questions that our leadership and our normally verbose Ambassador to Washington should have raised in the immediate aftermath of the Faisal Shahzad episode, which is beginning to look more and more like a deliberately created incident to suck Pakistan into not only doing the US bidding vis a vis North Waziristan but also to provide a scenario which would allow more US forces into the country and move the US further into forcibly taking control of our nuclear assets:

Why should one presume the whole incident was created?
How come the explosion did not go off?
How come such an easy trail of evidence was laid to track Faisal Shahzad?
How come, he confessed to everything so easily and immediately?
How come the US immediately, as if already prepared, began demanding permission for more troops into Pakistan?
How come the CIA immediately announced more drone attacks on Pakistan?

In other words, things moved in an almost synchronized manner in succession that they had to have been pre-planned.
Why are the US government and media paying no heed to Shahzads alleged connection to the Yemeni cleric and to the Talibans clear denial of any link to Shahzad?

What is disturbing though is the immediate utterances and silence of the different Pakistani players apart from the brief but necessary statement from the ISPR that there was no tangible evidence to link Shahzad to Waziristan and the militants there:

First: Why did our Ambassador to Washington maintain a strange silence in the immediate aftermath instead of seeking access to Faisal Shahzad, given that despite being a US citizen his Pakistani links were being played up?

Two: How come Foreign Minister Qureshi immediately declared that Shahzads action was in response to the drone attacks, even before Shahzad himself allegedly talked of the disturbing effect of drones? Is there a common script here? Did Qureshi not know that by making such a statement he was accepting Shahzads guilt? More important, how did he know the cause unless he had met Shahzad, knew him earlier or had been told by him that this was the reason behind his alleged action?

Three: In a similar vein, Interior Minister also made a similar statement as if Shahzad had been found guilty already.

Four: Why should the father of Shahzad have been arrested? Apparently it was given out that his arrest was to facilitate the FBI team but is it the job of the government to aid and abet the US or to protect its own citizens? It would appear the answer is the former for this government, in which case there is little difference in how this democratic government is treating its citizens and how Musharraf treated Pakistanis.

What is truly disturbing though is the civil and military leaderships silence on questioning US intent. Why are we allowing the US to threaten us while we continue to entertain their civil, military and intelligence teams/delegations? Why are we not insisting on out investigation team being in Washington if the US can send an FBI team to Pakistan ? Why have we not called for a Joint Investigation on the Shahzad issue?

In the aftermath of the Clinton threat, at the very least shouldnt the Pakistan government suspend cooperation with the US , at least temporarily? Should our ambassador not convey our displeasure at this overt threat? Stoppage of NATO supplies and the downing of a drone will send a clearer message than any apologetic mumblings from the leadership.

Finally, is our military prepared to compromise our defence and security, target more Pakistani civilians, simply to do the US bidding and commence a premature and hasty North Waziristan operation?

Incidentally, if the government is unwilling to use the capability its air force has of shooting down drones, as was demonstrated to the PM recently, why are we acquiring such expensive systems? If we cannot or will not fight anyone but are own tribals, we need to review our military expenditures.

In conclusion, it will be worth painting once again the holistic picture that should now be crystal clear even to the most myopic Pakistani, in the light of the Clinton threat. Send in more US troops to destabilise Pakistan; push the military into North Waziristan, stretching its lines of communications and capabilities and aggravating the civil-military divide as well as the dormant ethnic and sectarian fault lines within the institution of the military, thereby undermining its long term cohesiveness; another operation would add to terrorism within Pakistan as will the increased drone attacks in FATA; convince the world that Pakistan is in disarray and there should be international control over its nukes through the UNSC which effectively would mean US control.
Nor is the US agenda premised only on diplomatic-military tactics. There is a strong economic component also. After all, the IMF factor is not merely coincidental; nor are the new economic managers with strong US/IMF/World Bank connections who have been brought in recently.

Add to all this the growing US intrusions already within Pakistan at multiple levels and the picture should become evident that Pakistan is being set up for destruction.
What is less clear to some, though not to all, is why our own leadership should be complicit in this destruction?
First published by The Nation. Dr. Mazari can be reached at [email protected]



Senator (1k+ posts)
US has its players set on key posts already, there is nothing much can be done now. This whole set up is being manufactured. What democracy and what issues we talk about? We talk about saving the system and forget that we have to save our country first then we will think about systems. All issues raised in Pakistan are false and just been made so that no body think about real threats.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
brothers and sisters we know that allah makes the finel plans, but in the mean time the plans are being made BY US and her minion in pakistans so called political civilian rulers and napak fooj, to give the total control of the country to US and make a few dollars more so that their comming prodegny will live comfortebly in the US and european countries. army instead of working for pakistan have been always working for the foreign powers and making money.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Why not someone in Pakistan going to Sc for killing by drone against government????

Because it is happening by the permission of Government and it is equal to murder or assistance of murder.

There is no war with US, then how they can attack on Pakistani nationals, no matter who r they.

Did US or Pakistan proved them criminals....?????


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم


Senator (1k+ posts)
Now, the US would be increasing attacks in NW and then as a reaction, terrorism will increase in Pakistan and more links would point to NW involvement and then finally in the light of all this new evidence, Pak Army backed by public opinion will launch an operation in NW.

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
The biggest threats to Pakistan are scumbags like Shireen Mazari, Ahmed Qureshi and Zaid Hamid for they live in their own utopian world where everyone is conspiring against Pakistan. Let the arrest of Faysal Shahzad be an opportunity for Pakistan to ponder upon why disgruntled individuals such as Shahzad turn to Pakistan for their nefarious plans. We must admit that is something direly wrong with our society that encourages such extremism.


Senator (1k+ posts)
She is a great patriot and a true Pakistani.Brilliant article. As long as we have uneducated sold out agent dallal for the white jewish run empire we will
Never have a greatest Pakistan. Brown slave criminal fake degrees holders running Pakistan like a ***** from heera mandi.

Revalution like iran will save Pakistan from these inbreds family of chores pathetic sodomites who are ruling us with MAERICAN MASTERS.
She stupid hitlary is a silly fat cow.She is affraid of jews and napak hindus.Tell her she can go f herself.

Read Ahmadine nijad speech at the UN, REAL LEADERS SPEAK LIKE HIM..Where is that rat wig wearing jewish agent Ambbasador??buying a new wig??what a joke this napak ambassador is..Wake up Pakistanis and take ur country back from these traitors..


Senator (1k+ posts)
She is nothing but a mouth piece of PTI....I still remember before byelections she was promoting idea of Blackwater behind Terrorist attacks in Pakistan but since crushing defeat of PTI all HOO HAA related to Blackwater stopped as this idea of finding scapegoat for Taliban didnt worked so now she is trying to find another scapegoat for Taliban as everyone knows how much PTI has got love with Taliban....


Senator (1k+ posts)
Come on Yahya brother, haven't you read day before yesterday's papers in which Iran offered proofs of US involvement in Pakistan's terror situation? A lot of things can go under the flag of talibans.


Senator (1k+ posts)
. We must admit that is something direly wrong with our society that encourages such extremism.

I spent my 27 years of life in Pakistan. I totally disagree that we are extremist society. Extremist element only represents a fringe and we have got small percentage of religious extremists, liberal extremists, secular extremists, etc etc. And, they do not represent the true Pakistan.

If someone would just paint the following picture about US, that means hes only showing one side of the story, though, every thing is a fact but the US has many more good things to offer as well.
( what happened to Native American ? Every 2 minutes or so, a woman is raped in US, only 30% cases are being reported to the law enforcing departments. In 2009, homicide rate was 6.1 in US as compared to 1.85 in Canada and 1.37 in England.)

We have many problems but we will definitely work them out insh. Its just a matter of how you see things.

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
@ Raja sahib! I am not sure when did you leave Pakistan, but religious extremism in Pakistan was indoctrinated under Zia’s regime and post 80’s Pakistan has witnessed numerous incidents of religious extremism. The lal-masjid saga or the constant persecution of ahemdi’s can be cited in this regard. Therefore religious extremism is menace that we cannot ignore and we have to take concrete corrective measures.


Senator (1k+ posts)
@ Raja sahib! I am not sure when did you leave Pakistan, but religious extremism in Pakistan was indoctrinated under Zia’s regime and post 80’s Pakistan has witnessed numerous incidents of religious extremism. The lal-masjid saga or the constant persecution of ahemdi’s can be cited in this regard. Therefore religious extremism is menace that we cannot ignore and we have to take concrete corrective measures.

I was in Pakistan few months ago. Therefore, when I say that we are not an extremist society, that means I am talking about present. How can I ignore about 90% of the people of Pakistan and their mentality and use the remaining 10% as a logic or basis of my views about anything like extremism.

I have strong reservations about Lal mesjid issue but this is not the place or the time to get into that. I accept our problems with full sincerity and militancy is one of them but we are not an extremist nation.
