US Harms Pakistan For CIA Helper: International Media - US will not be price 'gouged' by Pakistan: P


Minister (2k+ posts)
Mr.panetta you know very well that Pakistan gave all the information about "Osama" and his whereabouts to CIA and how US tracked and got rid of him but in your talk on the show ,you did't mention pakistan's assistance in this crucial matter.Pak helcopters were there and army knew very well whats gonna happen and stayed away.Dr. Afridi was sentenced as a "CIA" agent and gave the fake polio drops which caused damage in community . If you catch someone in US spying for other country ,would you let him free?No.So why in this instance,you and your govt showing ignorance? This is a purely matter of national security and no one is allowed to work for other agencies without the knowledge of pakistan which is a normal procedure for every country.Mr.Panetta,your govt think they own pakistan and paksitan cannot move even one step without their permission.Dont push pakistan into corner?what happened when US put the sanctions on pakistan ,pakistan got better and learned how to stand on its feet.US and Pakistan both need each other at this crucial time but if US tried to put pakistan in corner-it will definately backfire.Pakistan's economic problems will be solved with the change of this corrupt govt and pak will have to strengthen its relations with other friends in the region to move on.US have to abondon its old policy of "Master and slave " before the people of pakistan say themselves good bye to you.Your govt is not telling the truth to american people about dr.afridi?To you ,he is a warrior but in pakistan ,he is considered a traitor and dont push on this subject too much because its pakistan's internal matter.US is taking too much advantage by just giving peanuts to pakistan.If US cannot afford $5000 per container then take them to the other route which is cheaper to you.For the last 10 years ,you did't pay a penny for their tariff, transportation, security and still want the free lunch and why you want to carry heavy arms to afghanistan when you are planning to leave-why you are building such a huge embassy in Islamabad?These are matters of concern for pakistan and you have to answer them too?
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