Its surpring to know that Bangladesh aims to be worlds 'first solar nation.. In year 2014, the 13% population of BD are using energy from solar cells. Can Pak follow thw BD model??
Here comes in Pak punjab has world warmth fields to capture the solar energy.
Reasons Y Sharif family is aginst SOlar energy as BD has..
First SHarif family and his friend own all the energu business of Pak that junta is very powerful and against the solar fields..
Y Shabaz Sharif intentionally fail the SOlar enery park (now work is halt on it) bcz his friends warn him to do.
Y solar energy is expensive in Pak while cheap in India and BD??
Bcz Sharif family introduced such policies to ensure that solar energy should not folurish in Pak..
The owner of the house, Rafiqul Islam, is one of around 15 million Bangladeshis whose homes are now powered by solar home systems, or SHS, under a government scheme to provide clean power to communities with no access to grid electricity.
Here comes in Pak punjab has world warmth fields to capture the solar energy.
Reasons Y Sharif family is aginst SOlar energy as BD has..
First SHarif family and his friend own all the energu business of Pak that junta is very powerful and against the solar fields..
Y Shabaz Sharif intentionally fail the SOlar enery park (now work is halt on it) bcz his friends warn him to do.
Y solar energy is expensive in Pak while cheap in India and BD??
Bcz Sharif family introduced such policies to ensure that solar energy should not folurish in Pak..
The owner of the house, Rafiqul Islam, is one of around 15 million Bangladeshis whose homes are now powered by solar home systems, or SHS, under a government scheme to provide clean power to communities with no access to grid electricity.
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